What part do panties play in your spanking experience? Let's see!
Anon 1: I always want my spankee wearing panties. We follow a pattern, where she is spanked on clothes for a minute or two (I like tight jeans otk), then she is ordered to get up, and take her pants down and return otk in panties. Again she is spanked, far longer, and w/o warning or with a repetitious amount of time and at some point, I pull her panties down, and that is when the spanks get even harder, and rapid, and when the hairbrush is used too.
Once over, she stands, I will raise her panties back up, and she is ordered to the corner, where I pull them just under her bottom, framing it.
She knows better than to touch her panties the minute she bends over in them, until told to leave the corner. She also knows my intensity changes when I lower them otk.
Bogey: We have always felt that panties and paddles go together. Bacall always likes to start her paddling with her panties on. I normally prefer to start bare bottom. We bought another set of matching panties, yellow, the other day. We will try them out soon.
Cutiebootie: Panties are an important part of our spanking sessions. My guy especially likes when I wear black panties, but I change it up with colours and textures.
The other day. he hiked up my skirt and noticed my lacy pair of pink panties. He commented on how he approved of them and started to spank me with his hand. He likes the element of surprise.
I love when he takes down my panties and continues to spank me. It's a sign that I have definitely been such a bad girl that my spanking becomes a harder one.
Roz: Panties add to the experience for us. Rick enjoys the view and getting to 'unwrap' and there is nothing like the anticipation of them being pulled down or being told to take them down.
Sir Wendel: If the misses is wearing a dress or skirt then I’ll pull the panties down after she is over my lap. If she is wearing jeans or shorts then I make her pull everything down before putting across my lap. It adds to the pleasure of the spanking. She always makes me pull my pants down before spanking. There is the occasion when she’ll ask for my belt to give me a whipping after dropping the pants. I do enjoy baring the bottom for her.
arched one: Quandary here. Most comments are on women wearing panties. In many cases men also wear them as I do. My wife feels they look sexy on me and I love the way they feel on me. Many times when she spanks me she will start with them up then have me stand and she will pull them down to my knees and again bend over for more spanking. We both feel it adds to the enjoyment.
Bonnie: In a word, yes. Randy has a special interest in the panties I wear and this subject has always been a part of our sexual activities, especially when he spanks me. He buys various panty styles and hues for me to model and wear for him. My panty collection is enormous and I didn't even select most of them.
He enjoys the slow unveiling, either before or during a spanking. He also loves visible panty lines and encourages me to dress in ways that highlight them. Wearing a pair of light colored curve-hugging yoga pants over a little bikini brief will command his full and immediate attention every time. He also adores the convenience of a thong worn beneath my summer skirt.
When I choose, it's usually a comfortable pair of cotton briefs. But as we spankos know, there are often considerations beyond comfort alone.
Wilma: Guess we are the odd balls. I am never allowed wear any clothes during any kind of spanking, save a thong when Mother Nature is being 'cruel'. 99% of the time Barney doesn't undress me either. I am to go upstairs or down, strip and wait. Urgh.
Panties do play a part in other ways, as in I am not allowed to wear them on any given day depending on his mood.
jason: My wife uses a switch on panties. When she disciplines me, I am then ordered to put on panties and for the next few days required to wear panties. Wearing them 24/7 does indeed cause me to think daily about what put me in panties.
Enzo: In simple terms, yes, they definitely enhance the experience much like any lingerie does in other situations. It is the wrapping paper before the gift analogy.
My preferences are closest to Bonnie & Randy’s.
Panties play such a huge role with spanking. I order certain colors and styles worn based on her moods and or to further a lesson. Spanking severity is also varied based on which type she is wearing, if she did or did not follow instructions of which ones to wear and of course going without by her choice or mine is also another variable. I could go on and on and have actually thought about writing an entire post on this favorite subject.
Anon 2: Not panties per se, but spandex shorts and thongs play into our scene. I love have her peel the shorts off and have me run around in next to nothing. Whether the thong comes off is irrelevant - there's not much protection from what comes next.
Hermione: Like Wilma, I am not allowed to have any protective covering on my bottom before or during a spanking. Ron wants my bottom bare and ready for his attention.
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