Today we celebrate two special events. One is a very important milestone. This is the 300th brunch that I have held since I took it over from our good friend
Bonnie. The second is Thanksgiving, which we Canadians celebrate on this long weekend. Since our climate is much colder than that of our neighbours to the south, our harvest season occurs a full month earlier, and so does our celebration of thankfulness for the bounty the earth provides. So I invite you all to join us in some thoughtful reflection.
What are you thankful for this year?
Leave your response as a comment, and once the harvest feast is over and the dishes are done, I will publish an edited summary of our discussion.
Hi Hermione,
Wow, congratulations on 300 brunches, that is some milestone!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Ron, I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy the celebrations. I am thankful for the support of wonderful friends and family and am especially thankful to be having a family brunch today to celebrate our Father's birthday and that a new addition to the family is due to arrive any day.
... for a very close friendship that has developed over the last year. I'm looked at, in a sense, as the brother she never had. It's doubtful that we'll ever have an intimate relationship, but that's ok. We make each other happy.
Congratulations, Hermione, on 300 brunches. I have an appreciation for all that goes into making this event happen week in and week out. I am thankful that you were able to continue this tradition and carry it to new heights.
I am thankful for our community and this worldwide internet for providing places to meet friends and share my spanko thoughts. I've now been posting stories, essays, and chatter in various spanking-oriented locales for more then twenty years. In that time, I've talked with literally thousands of people who share this link. Who could have imagined? Not me!
Finally, I am thankful for the life my husband and I share. He warms my bottom, but he also warms my heart.
congratulations on 300 brunches! :-) I am thankful for the love of family and friends, for the gift of time, and for a community of welcoming friends from all over and a place where I can truly be me. Hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving! Hugs
300 brunches, and healthy ones, too! Congratulations and thank you for all you do. You are in inspiration.
I am thankful for God and this wonderous world in which we live.
While there are many other items for which I am grateful, I am thankful for health and my family, especially my wife of 41 years and the love we share.
Congrats Hermione on the big 300.
I am thankful for The Misses. She is my angel.
Congratulations on the 300 brunches. I always look forward to reading them.
I'm thankful for my husband, family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving to our wonderful neighbors to the north.
Congratulations, H, on your 300th Brunch! Right here on your blog was where I posted my very first comment.... it might seem silly, but it was an important first step for me. I have met some really great people in blog land and I hold a few of them very close to my heart now. Thank you for being a blog of solidity...... Hugs, Windy
Happy Thanksgiving and Congratulations on your 300th Spanko brunch.
There are so many I am thankful for. Our health, this community and the friends I've made through it. I never thought that could happen.
Thankful for the loving spanko relationship I have and for our beautiful grandfather.
Congratulations on your Brunchaversary.
A bit corny but I am thankful for those rare moments, when there are no deadlines and all the daily jobs are done, when you can relax, let your mind wonder and ponder things in life that are worth thinking about (I warned you that it was corny :) ).
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