Welcome one and all to my favourite time of the week. Let's discuss a topic suggested by my good friend Barrel.
Have you recently added a new implement to your collection? If so, who suggested it? Where did you get it? What were the results?
As usual, please leave your response as a comment. Once everyone has had a chance to reply. I will publish an edited summary of our conversation.

Hi Hermione,
Sorry, but my answer to this question is a dull one. No new implements. We haven't spanked for some years now and I did get a surprise spanking a few weeks back it was with the hand. Does that count as a new implement given it hadn't been used for that purpose for so long?
The London Tanners pocket strap + pocket tawse. Provide an extremely intense OTK experience, and is the most 'satisfied' I've ever felt after a spanking
It hasn't arrived, yet, but we do have a riding crop on order. Mistress was the one who suggested it and will be using it on me. Maybe I'll report back on it some Brunch when the topics align. The best.
Back when I was getting ready for my knee replacement surgery, we were out getting stuff to help get through it. One thing was a long shoe horn, probably 2.5 feet long. Well after my surgery, my wife was playing around with it and smacked my bare bottom with it. It hurt but in a good way. Ever since then, my spankings have been with that shoe horn. My wife bought another one to be in our camper if I need spankings, which I always do.
My mother-in-law gave my wife a new paddle of education. It is extra flat, comfortable handle. She had the words “Mommies knows best” on the flat part of the paddle. I recently experienced it, it truly does get the point across. My wife enjoys the comfortable handle and saids she has more grip. Jack
About a month ago the Misses surprised me with her new purchase she called Sr. Smack. It is an 18in long, thick ruler like paddle. It stings like hell and the marks take a couple of days to disappear. The Misses paddled me twice with it since it arrived and in both instances the expression can’t sit down applied.
I make implements all time,recently I made a set of hairbrush shaped paddles in different thickness and materials. The sensations they produce range from stingy to thuddy.
I bought a extra heavy Scottish tawse from M C Customs for my wife’s birthday last month. It took 2 weeks to clear customs in London and 4 weeks to arrive in the states. It is our second leather implement and lighter than the strap I made. She used it during an extended session the day it arrived and I can say with authority, it is intense. The two tails left distinct marks that lasted for over a week. She reports, due to its lighter feel, she needs to practice with it, on me of course. This might be the best present I ever gave her ;<)
My mother -in -law recently moved to the other coast. I was helping her pack up kitchen last week.
She said if there was anything i wanted i should take it. There was a small cutting board with a handle
that always displayed in her kitchen. My husband had made it for Mother's Day when he was a boy
scout. It is about a foot long and 5 inches wide. It has a nice wooden handle. perfect for our
discipline session. I put it to use that weekend. He was freaked but when i told him i intended
to keep on display in our kitchen, but after an extra 25 swats he saw it my way.It now resides
on a shelf in our kitchen. It serves as a daily reminder. When he comes home of Friday's he
now brings it up to our bedroom removes his clothing and waits for his weekly discipline session.
No new implements in our house. I am looking for a new item to buy P for Christmas, but not sure what
I have not purchased a new toy for well over a year. I think I will read the other contributions for ideas. I would like to get a boot paddle though.
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