As you all know, I'm a stickler for grammar, and scare quotes are one of my pet peeves. Putting unnecessary quotation marks around a word implies sarcasm, and that the word does not really mean what you think it means. Consider the following three sentences:
"Congrats" on your baby.
Congrats on "your" baby.
Congrats on your "baby".
Congrats on "your" baby.
Congrats on your "baby".
See what I mean?
Here are some more unnecessary quotes that would earn their authors a paddling if I had my way.
Here are some more unnecessary quotes that would earn their authors a paddling if I had my way.

I too am a stickler for grammar and spelling. reading what executives put out can sometimes be cringe worthy. The third from the bottom should be in every office with the refrain being the bottom picture.
Great fails Hermione, I'm a stickler for grammar too. Love the last one!
LOL! I worry about the boy and the 'officer.'
Oh man, I want these all to be intentional. Maybe still deserves a paddling, but it would totally be worth one.
Here are some more unnecessary quotes that would their authors a paddling if I had my way.
Perhaps someone else needs a paddling for posting an incomplete sentence, Hermione?
Oh my goodness! Timmy! Timmy, get out of there NOW and RUN!
Yeah, the second one is downright disturbing.
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