Thursday, May 12, 2022

Do those letters mean what I think they mean?

For entertainment I like to visit Bored Panda.  Every so often I get an email full of links to fun articles on the site. At the end of each article, there is a short bio of the staff member who put it together. I don't often bother to read the bio's, but here's what I saw on one of them.
... has master's degree in Economics he got long time ago in a city far, far away. [He] also worked as a university teacher, sports writer and a BDSM* specialist for several IT companies.
Wait, what? A BDSM consultant for IT companies? What does BDSM have to do with IT? Then I noticed the asterisk after BDSM. I had to click the "read more" to expand the bio, where I found this:
* Business Development, Social Media Marketing
That explains it. Disappointing, though.

Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart


Penelope said...

Gosh, you'd think they'd find a better acronym. Very disappointing. Though I'd certainly be interested in knowing what that job could possibly entail if those letters meant what we know they mean.

Roz said...

LoL Hermione, had me wondering too lol. How disappointing. An unfortunate use of an acronym perhaps.


PK said...

Yes it was much more interesting the way I read it the first time.

Bernie said...

Do you think it got him any play dates?

Dan - A Disciplined Hubby said...


Rich Person said...

Too bad he didn't work in CBT (Computer-Based Training). Then, you would have had something to talk about!