What is your least favourite position for spanking?
Bonnie: I'd call it a toss up between the diaper and the ankle grab positions, for the same reason. Both stretch the spankee's bottom in a way that it makes each swat hurt a lot more.
Jack: My wife always spanks me across her lap; she ensures my legs don't kick and that my arm is pinned to my back.
Wendel: Not a fan of being bent over the edge of the table. It is not very comfortable.
Roz: Love the pic Hermione lol and thank you so much for the shout out. I wonder how many spanko brunches I have attended?
don't tend to use a lot of positions. I think my least favorite would
be on all fours on the floor, or kneeling in front of Rick paying him
some attention while he swats. Potentially dangerous for him too lol. I
think we may have only used the diaper position once or twice otherwise
that would top the list.
Rick: I enjoy putting a girl over my knee (lap). It is intimate, can be romantic, and stimulates the senses of domination and submission. You can secure her firmly, observe the changing condition of her bottom, and ensure she is not being harmed, nor in danger of harming herself. Other methods such as over the bed, chair, table, etc. are too impersonal. The latter seem more like a vindictive beatdown than a corrective action for a naughty girl.
Barrel: I agree these brunches are gaining in popularity, and a big THANKS to
our hostess for inviting us all every week with enticing and thought
provoking food for thought. That is what makes this my favorite blog. I
encourage more to join in as I learn from all of you each week.
dislike kneeling on the bench and bending forward to our bed. That’s
probably because it stretches the skin on my rear and I usually get the
hairbrush or heavy plastic paddle, both of which are nasty.
Anon 1: Diaper position definitely the absolute worse.
Blilen: My Motto: OTK - THE ONLY WAY!!
Jean Marie: Because I wasn't spanked as a child, I fantasized about being put over a
knee and spanked since I was about four years of age, and oh-happy-day,
found reality even surpassed fantasy when I got my first OTK adult
I HATE the diapering position! Besides, as Bonnie stated,
the fact that the target is made more vulnerable, I find that I'm more
psychologically vulnerable in that position. Being face-up, I see my
Top's facial expression as he punishes me (at least until I must scrunch
my eyes shut or they are too tear-filled), whereas when OTK, I see only
the floor before my nose, and my imagination is engaged.
Rosco: I’m more than twice Irene’s size, so OTK has never been an option. As
others note, spanking hurt more when one is bent over and, of course,
when there has been no warm up.
But most uncomfortable for me is
if my neck is in an uncomfortable position. I like to do my best to
relax and breathe as normally as possible - not knowing how hard the
next smack will be.
Anon 1: I love over the knee spankings, both giving and receiving. All other positions come in second.
Dale: Pretty much any position where I have a damp bottom from a recent shower or dip in the pool.
Prefectdt: For my least favourite position, it is a coin toss between Diaper and lunge. Diaper is annoying and uncomfortable from the start. Lunge is hard to maintain and becomes harder the longer the spanking lasts. Both positions share the disadvantage of making my mind concentrate more on the position and not enough on the spanking.
A.J.: Well, I have tried the diaper position, but she found it too difficult
to hold the position without help, I found it difficult to help and
swat away, and thought a miss might be too damn painful. Me in that
position? Same thing. So we went back to OTK, over the arm of a couch,
or over a bolster.
But that may not be the worst position for me or the GF.
More than the diaper position - being tied down or restrained to some piece of equipment.
Windy: I actually found the position that Roz mentions, hubby spanking her
while she gives him some attention, kind of sexy! Storm did that once
and it was a major surprise to me, to say the least! Just don't grind
your teeth during that, Roz! lmao
Hate the diaper position...feel like an idiot. We don't use it past the 1 time where he was experimenting.
fav for comfort is bending over the yoga ball. Works good for those of
us with bad knees and bad backs. Comfy on the tummy. OTK is intimate,
but uncomfortable.
Lastly, I find the grabbing by the ankles kinky even though we have never done it!
Hermione: I would never be able to grab my ankles; I'm just not that flexible. I hope Ron never asks me to assume that position! Sadly, OTK is uncomfortable for me, although it is my go-to position for erotic fantasies.
Have a great week!
Glory to Ukraine

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