Our friend Daisy posted an excellent meme the other day, and I haven't done a meme for a long time, so here goes:
Your favorite fictional character - Mr. Bean
Your favorite villain - Boris Badenov, the arch-nemesis of Rocky and Bullwinkle
Your all-time comfort food - bread with melted cheese
Your favorite fictional family - the Barrones, from Everybody Loves Raymond
Your favorite non-masked heroic character - James Bond
Your favorite movie - A Christmas movie called Prancer. We watch it every year. (Actually, it's Ron's favourite.)
Your favorite writer - it's a tie: Sophie Kinsella and Maeve Binchey
Your favorite artist - Paul Klee
The first record album you ever bought - The Beatles "Twist and Shout"
The first writer you were hooked on - Ray Bradbury
A person you wish you could bring back - Stan Rogers, a brilliant Canadian folksinger who died at age 33 in a plane crash.
Your favorite flower - lilac
The hobby that takes up most of your free time - blogging.
A game you enjoy playing - Mahjong solitaire
Your favorite singer - Carole King and James Keelahan
Your favourite TV show - Mad Men
Your all time favorite TV double act - Carol Burnett and Harvey Korman
Your favorite game - Guess the Implement
Your deepest regret - I don't have any regrets as such. The choices I made were right for me at the time.
Something that makes you sad - the relatively short amount of time that we have our beloved pets with us.
Something that makes you ANGRY - animal abuse and irresponsible owners.
Something you worry about - devastating ecological disasters
Your age when you received your first ever adult spanking - about 23
Your favorite weapon - words
Your first ever pet - a cat
Your favorite form of transportation - horse-drawn carriage
Your "happy thought" from childhood - playing imaginary games
Your favorite implement, and favourite place for a spanking - leather paddle, on my bottom.
Your most dreaded implement, and worst position for a spanking - dressage whip, and being in a position where spanking is impossible.
The most memorable death in your lifetime - JFK, with RFK a close second, because it was such a shock.
What stone(s) would you like in a ring - Opals
Your childhood ambition - to have a horse of my own
At what age did you achieve it (if at all) - 23
Your ambition now - to retire
Your dream holiday (money no object) - a visit to Britain
If you won £50,000,000, lottery, what would you do with it - First, change it into Canadian funds. Then I would give a large portion to the American rescue association for our favourite dog breed.
What would you like to do this very second - finish this meme so I can post it.
The next holiday you have planned - A week in the kitchen, to convert tomatoes and cucumbers into all sorts of yummy things.
The blogs you like to check out first - I check whichever blogs have been updated recently, either from my blogroll or from the blogger dashboard.
An ex-blogger whom you really miss - Spanked Hubby.
Something you would love to do - meet other spankos, to chat and get to know each other better.
Please feel free to do this meme on your blog or pass it on to other bloggers.

Glad you managed to finish it Hermione. How did I forget Mr. Bean.
What yummy things are you going to do with cucumbers? Not my favourite fruit.
Maybe if you won the lottery you could use some to visit the UK :)
Enjoy reading your meme Hermione, thanks.
Nice one, be careful with those "Words", they can be sharp sometimes :)
Great meme, Hermione! xxxxx
If you book a visit to the UK, you better let me know when you're coming....we HAVE to have coffee!!!!
I love meme's it give us a better look into the lives of fellow bloggers. I loved learning more about you. Some of the answers were hilarious.
Thanks for taking the time to let us in on other parts of your life,
Ronnie - Dill pickles and spaghetti sauce are the main items on the menu.
Prefectdt - They sure can. That's why I never run and talk at the same time.
Daisy - I will be sure to have coffee with both you and Ronnie (not necessarily at the same coffee bar)
Janet - I like them too.
I agree with you on abusing animals, I would not hesitate to give 'six of the best', strokes of the cane to any women, that mistreats an animal such as a dog, cat, or horse, for they are truly man's best friends.
Great meme! I decided to give it a try on my blog. :)
Padme - Great! I enjoyed reading it.
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