You are 87% spankable!
You loved to be spanked, good and hard, with any available object. You will take it as hard as anyone is willing to give it. You are probably guilty of provoking your lover into spanking you, by flagrant misbehavior or verbal challenges. Your ass is probably red right now. We wouldn’t be surprised if you are standing at the keyboard, because it hurts to sit down.I'm not surprised at my results! This quiz has been around for a long time, but it may be new to many of you. Rate yourself here.
Tip: When you get to the last page of the quiz - the optional for stats page - to skip signing up for OkCupid, select NO for are you single, then uncheck the box beside Still, save my result.

Sounds like a fun quiz, new to me. I'll rate myself and be back to let you know.
Thanks for the tip.
Well I took the test and I'm, a Spank Slut LOL.
Fun quiz Hermione, thanks.
Have a good weekend.
Ronnie - Why am I not surprised? So am I.
Silly, but fun. Have a wonderful weekend yourself.
(snickering) I too am a Spank Slut, at 93% spankable. There's a news flash for ya.
Erica - You? Really? And all this time you were hiding it?
I got 100% - so, if we look at this on a normal grading curve, such a high score should surely earn me a good girl spanking, right?
P.S. My verification "word" is flogr. Apparently blogger agrees that I am highly spankable :)
Fun quiz/I am very spankable
Funny quiz - like you, Hermione, I got 87%. Somehow that didn't really surprise me... Ludwig's comment when I've just told him that the quiz says I'm a spank slut: “Really?” ;-)
LOL Well it's all true except the ruffly panties... I'm not into ruffles...
You are 67% spankable!
You love being spanked, preferably to a deep rosy hue. You like nothing more than being bent over anything, anywhere, and spanked by a strong hand or maybe a leather paddle. We wouldnt be surprised if you wore those panties with the ruffles on the ass. You are also probably guilty of wiggling the goods at people and bending over suggestively at every opportunity.
Em - Bravo! You certainly deserve a good goodgirl spanking!
Jean - I suspected as much!
Kaelah - It didn't surprise me either.
turiya - Way to go!!
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