St. Dominic's, 1917
Scene II
School song is heard again. Dropcloth appears with a projected caption: "HIGH JINKS AND HOT WATER IN THE OFFING". Dropcloth rises. Lights go up to reveal classroom with desks and blackboard. FAUVETTE, GWEN, and MORVYTH are seated, chattering. ELSPETH enters.
ELSPETH: Cave, all concerned! Miss Beesley's approaching in full sail!
ALL sit demurely upright. MISS BEESLEY enters in scholastic gown.
MISS BEESLEY: Good morning, girls!
ALL: Good morning, Miss Beesley!
ELSPETH (to audience): Miss Beesley is a handsome and imposing woman with a stern cast of features.
MISS BEESLEY: Members of the Fifth! I have some remarks to address to two of your number. First of all, Morvyth.
MORVYTH rises.
It's come to my ears that you have been acting like a weeping cherub on a monument. Now that won't do at all--we've no patience with grousers at St. Dominic's. It's your bounden duty to be bubbling and girlish so that you can carry away happy memories of your lighthearted schooldays when you go out into the world to be a woman. Do you understand, Morvyth?
MORVYTH: Yes, Miss Beesley, I'll do my uttermost. (She sits.)
MISS BEESLEY: There's a gallant girl. And now for the egregious madcap of the Fourth, lately translated to more august surroundings.
GWEN ruefully rises. The other girls giggle.
It's been brought to my attention that the aforementioned young scamp has celebrated her arrival in the Fifth by indulging in pugilistic practices with one of her senior bedfellows. Now Gwen, it's A-1 to be high-spirited, but if you overstep the mark again, there'll be a painful reckoning behind my green baize door. Compris?
GWEN (flushed): Oui--I mean, yes, Miss Beesley! (She sits.)
ELSPETH (to audience): It's an open secret that Miss Beasley, strict disciplinarian though she is, has a sneaking weakness for Gwen.
MORVYTH (to audience): "The Bumble Bee rows Gwen but she likes her" is the general verdict.
FAUVETTE has been rummaging through her desk.
FAUVETTE: Miss Beesley!
MISS BEESLEY: What is it, child?
FAUVETTE: Somebody or other has nabbed my postal order! It's vanished from my desk!
MORVYTH: Great jumping Jehosephat!
Continue below if GWEN has been eliminated earlier:
FAUVETTE: And what's more, I told Morvyth only this morning that I was going to put it there.
Everyone stares at MORVYTH who looks appalled.
GWEN (to audience): Morvyth stood aghast, utterly dumbfounded at the defalcation.
MORVYTH: Fauvette's a fibber! She's just trying to make me blub!
The four girls and MISS BEESLEY freeze in a group.
VOICE (female, over public address system): Three girls are still eligible for punishment.
The girls in question step forward.
In precisely four minutes, one of then will be whipped. We now invite you to eliminate either Fauvette or Morvyth. Please raise your right hand if you wish to spare Fauvette. (Pause for vote to be noted.) Or Morvyth. (Another pause.) ______________ is hereby exonerated.
Continue below if FAUVETTE has been eliminated earlier:
FAUVETTE: And what's more, I told Gwen only this morning that I was going to put it there.
Everyone stares at GWEN who looks appalled.
MORVYTH (to audience): Gwen stood aghast, utterly dumbfounded at the defalcation.
GWEN: I loathe pointing the finger at a chum, but you told Morvyth as well as yours truly.
The four girls and MISS BEESLEY freeze in a group.
VOICE (female, over public address system): Three girls are still eligible for punishment.
The girls in question step forward.
In precisely four minutes, one of then will be whipped. We now invite you to eliminate either Gwen or Morvyth. Please raise your right hand if you wish to spare Gwen. (Pause for vote to be noted.) Or Morvyth. (Another pause.) ______________ is hereby exonerated.
Next - Scene III

I'm sure I commented on the first scene Hermione, Oh well, never mind.
My right hand raises as Morvyth steps forward :) I love the lingo from the girls.
Thanks for sharing and I look forward to the next scene.
Ronnie - Yes, you did comment. I received it by mail, but it didn't appear on the post. Gremlins again!
Personally, I wanted Fauvette to get the hairbrush.
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