Fifty Shades of Grey has everyone in the vanilla world talking about spanking. It's become mainstream according to this article in The Daily Beast. At last!
You might also be interested in the Beast's extract of the fourteen naughtiest bits from the novel. Sadly, only three of them have anything to do with spanking. Here's my favourite:
Sitting beside me, he gently pulls my sweatpants down. Up and down like whores’ drawers, my subconscious remarks bitterly. In my head, I tell her where to go. Christian squirts baby oil into his hand and then rubs my behind with careful tenderness—from makeup remover to soothing balm for a spanked ass, who would have thought it was such a versatile liquid.I'll have to move this book to the top of my to-be-read list.

There sure is a lot of buzz about it, though I haven't seen it myself. Kallisto has been reading it on her kindle.
I like the phase "whore's drawers" too.
I've heard a ton about this book, but nobody said anything about spanking! Hmm, may have to give it a glance now...
Spanky - It's on my Kobo (Canadian version of Kindle) and I have yet to read it, but will start as soon as I get through the "real" books sitting on the coffee table, partly read.
Rosie - I wonder if there is more spanking than just three bits in the article. I hope so!
There are a couple of spanking scenes. See PK's New Beginning blog for recent post on her thoughts. Some say the writing is bad, but I got into the story and I liked the books.
Okay you three--start reading so you can weigh in an opinion!
I just wrote a post about the books. I really enjoyed them and find all the mainstream debate fascinating. Come on over and check it out.
I read the first book because of all the mainstream interest in the press and TV.
A movie is also in the works based on the book.
I'll have to add this book on my list! I haven't even heard of it until all you bloggers started talking about it, but it seems like an interesting read.
I first heard about it on Sunnygirls blog. I have read the 3 books via kindle and although I think the 1st was the best, I enjoyed them all. Imagine my surprise when I spotted the book in the local supermarket!
Dee x
Oh you definitely must. Be prepared to spend time because once you start it's hard to put down. There are 3 books in all 50 Shades, 50 Shades Darker and 50 Shades Freer.
But will it still be fun if spanking becomes mainstream...
I'll probably read the books sometime, but I hate to read books just because everyone else is reading them.
There's certainly a lot of buzz going around about it.
I've bought the book but after reading some reviews I'm in no hurry to read it.
My Wife just finished reading it and told me I should get it, so about 10 minutes ago I downloaded it from Amazon for $9.99 on my Ipad. She said there is a lot of build up before the spanking starts, but then it is pretty good. Probably not enough spanking to satisfy us spanking devotees, but if it becomes popular in the general public, maybe it will help to raise more public acceptance of our passion.
Apparently it started as a 'Twilight' (yes, really!) fanfic that the author reworked/renamed to make "original", and published it. That (and the fact that it's M/F, of course) makes me totally uninterested in reading it, but the fact that a "positive" book about BDSM is getting this kind of vanilla attention is pretty fascinating to me. Of course, M/F has always easily been the most "accepted" genre in vanilla-land (unless you count comedy movies, in which case it's almost always "whips and leather" style F/M... you know, for laughs). :)
SNP - I have read PK's post, and sheagrees with other bloggers that the writing isn't so great. I'll try to overlook that.
Zoe - I'll be right over!
Joey - I read your posts too. I suspect the movie will bear little resemblance to the book.
Suzie - Yes, it does sound interesting.
Dee - it doesn't get more mainstream than that!
Sunnygirl - I saw the other 2 books but thought I would try the first one, then decide if I wanted to continue.
Red - It's wonderful that spanking is finally being talked about openly.
Kitty -I'm not one to jump on bandwagons either, but still, it's a story with spanking, so I'll make an exception.
Ronnie - There's no rush. You can blog about it when all the fuss has died down.
Dave - I'm all for raising public awareness.
Banjo - Really? A Twilight fanfic? I haven't read that series either. I agree, F/m is a little harder for the general public to accept.
Yes, Hermione, "The book "50 Shades of Grey", made the New York Times bestseller list. And for now, made us 'spanko's', seem normal for a change. But this we knew along. Did'nt we?
I just bought these books. Cant wait to read them. Galway
I want that BOOK! But I have to wait on my Kindle Fire. Still saving my pennies.
Galway - I hope you enjoy them:)
Dragon's Rose - That's a great incentive to save.
Never heard of it! But it sounds good!!! xxx
@Dragon's Rose
You know that you can just download Amazon's Kindle app for your computer or Android device? That's how I read most Amazon-exclusive ebooks.
I only just found out about this book through a friend of mine. I'm hoping to read it soon.
Daisy - I think you will enjoy it.
Banjo - I do the same with the Kobo app on my computer and iPad (that's the Canadian version of Kindle).
fB - Welcome! I hope you like the book.
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