Continuing with the theme of advice columns, here's a plea for guidance from someone who has a kinky preference that appears less often in the daily papers than spanking does.
I think a person by the name of William Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players". Yes, mankind can find a fetish, in every imaginable way. So who are we to judge?.
A new kink?
How does that work. Just proves there is something for everybody.
Oh my...those responses are wonderful. Thanks for a laugh this morning.
Solemates FTW
The mind boggles on how that would work but everyone to their own.
Hope you have a good weekend Hermione.
Ha-ha! It just made me laugh:)!
But, then again, I love puns.
Yuck! Smelly foot hands and boot marks on the sheets. SAFEWORD!
Hmm... Never heard of this fetish before.
Joey - Could be:)
Sunnygirl - Just when you think you've heard it all.
Celeste - My pleasure.
Kitty - LOL!
Ronnie - Seems a little awkward, but to each his own.
Red - ;D
Kitty - Me too.
Prefectdt - So, not your sort of thing, I assume:)
Lea - Me neither, until today.
OK, I really like that "sole mate" commenter! LOL
Like others, I can't imagine how this works. So if he wears boots, are they "elbow-highs"?
Erica - Yep, that's a good one, as well as the one about wearing thongs. I assume that's meant to be the flip flop kind, not the underwear kind.
I think a person by the name of William Shakespeare said, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players". Yes, mankind can find a fetish, in every imaginable way. So who are we to judge?.
Too funny. That first response is the best!
Six - Very true.
Tess - Welcome! Yes, that's a good one.
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