What could be more fun than a glass of wine and a spanking? The sign seems to show a person running with a glass in one hand and a paddle in the other. At least, that's how I interpret it. (Thank you, Joey, for this fun image.)
This book by well-known English novelist Jilly Cooper comes complete with its own paddle, to ensure marital harmony. As I have mentioned before, Jilly's heroines are no strangers to paddling.

Good post Hermione. Spanking will always bring harmony. I feel the least would be twice a week. A good spankee should even bring the spanker an implement without being told.
Thank you Hermione.
My Canadian friends sent me that one.
These are both great, definite wins! Love the sign Joey and how great that you can buy the book and get an implement free! Hmm, wonder how sturdy it is LoL
great :-) thanks for sharing!
Both wins. Great sign Joey sent you. I didn't know she'd written a book about marriage. Thanks.
Both wins. Love them both.
The book comes with a paddle? Genius! Love the sign too. :)
Thanks, everyone, for your kind comments. The paddle on Jilly's book is actually a little sign that Amazon adds. I removed the words and voila!
Lol, definite wins! Thanks for sharing.
So, you removed the words, eh?
Well, I'm certainly glad you did!
I just luv the Jilly Cooper's books
artwork, especially the one where
there's a hand over a _____ .
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