All I want for Christmas is...
Let's have fun with this one. What would you most like to find under your Christmas tree (or your Festivus tree) on the 25th of December?
Leave your letters to Santa in the comments section below, and I will publish them on Saturday, as long as you aren't naughty between now and then.

my two spanked cheeks.
for Santa to understand my request.
Over a year ago my wife spanked me for the first time, since then have been many, our marriage is stronger because she took charge. The tree is up, some packages are under it, one in particular caught my eye. The tag reads "For Mommy Little (naughty) Boy". I hope it is little boy jammies, she has threaten to purchase some, for me to wear after a spanking, facing the wall, and to wear the full day. I call her Mommy when I'm naughty, and going to be spanked.
An empty cookie plate and milk glass.
My kinky answer? A set of five blank coupons good for any sexy/kinky adventure I want during the year.
My serious answer? Probably a slightly more stable financial situation.
I made my wife a pair of mistletoe panties. kinda weird maybe, but she's a good sport.
All I want for Christmas is... my misses bare bottomed holding a new hair brush to spank her with and good health but mostly to spank my misses with a new hair brush.
... two days without anyone pissing anyone else off - on Christmas eve and Christmas day- when everyone comes together and traditionally at least 3 people lose their tempers!
A big win lottery ticket so I could make so many people happy with sharing the winnings.
... A job for Rob! A nice little hot Hot HOT Christmas spanking from Rob, would be fun too! Thanks, Hermione! :) Many hugs,
<3 Katie
I would love for all my family and friends to enjoy good health and be joyful and if I happened to also receive enough money to feel financially burden free all the better and to top it off a good girl spanking would made it perfect! :-)...but I will settle for the first part and a cup of cocoa with whipped cream. :-) Hugs
All I want for Christmas is ... my beautiful wife across my knee waiting for me to lower the sexy panties I gave her so I can spank her bare bottom with the new implement I know I'll be getting from her as a gift.
To state the obvious, a proper beating from my best friend, lover and wife - she is something special indeed.
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