Sir Wendel: Hilda gleefully raced home to get a spanking from her hubby.
Dave: (Cue "Born Free" by John Barry & Don Black). Hilda had been warned to be careful during her romp through the meadow.
Domhnall: A day in the life of Hilda the frog herder.
Anon 1: I find the thrill of the chase gets my juices going and always makes him spank me even harder, which makes the experience that much more enjoyable.
I love running naked through the fields. I love it even more when he chases me for running naked through the fields after he told me not to. And I love it best when after catching me, he turns me over his knee and gives me a really sound spanking on my already bare bottom for not obeying him and running naked through the fields. Like I said, I love running naked through the fields.
Anon 2: Hilda loved the annual Rollicking Spring Spanking Romp during which the village’s women frolicked around the meadow in their skimpiest Spring outfits while the men, armed with paddles, chased after them. When a man caught a woman he was permitted to administer five rollicking swats to her alluring posterior before setting her free to continue on her way. The goal was for each man to catch and spank each woman as often as time allowed, but as usual, Hilda, who was never shy about displaying her ample assets – especially her extremely bountiful bare bottom – as she joyously romped through the fields, found herself on the receiving end of many more paddle smacks than any of the other woman. And, as usually happens in such cases, the redder Hilda’s extraordinarily spankable bottom became, the more attention it drew from the eager paddlers … which only gave her more reason to celebrate the arrival of Spring.
Dr. Ken: Hilda was enjoying her Spring Fling....until the bees started coming for the flowers....
Hermione: Ooh! I can't wait to be spanked with this daisy whip!
Please join me for brunch, coming up next, when we will continue our joyous romp through spankingland.

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