Last week we began a new story from Rollin Hand's
Tales from a Switch. As you may recall, a paddling booth was set up at the county fair to raise money for charity. Four pairs of fraternity and sorority members were going to paddle and be paddled, as is the custom in those organizations. If you would like to refresh your memory, read it again
here. For those of you who guessed that Barry would be the first victim, you were right!
As the woman in the flower print dress drew nearer, Barry tried averting his eyes, but it was too late.
"Barry Wilson, that is you, isn't it?"
"Oh, er, hi Mrs Hinckly," said Barry with mock cheerfulness.
Turning to Mary Ann she said, "You know, he was the naughtiest one in the whole 8th grade, weren't you Barry? I should have given your naughty bottom a good spanking back then, but they wouldn't let us." Barry gave her a hapless grin. Mary Ann saw a chance to get a donation.
"Well, then why don't you let me give this naughty boy his long overdue comeuppance then? Donate $10 and we'll take Barry in back and give him three paddle swats good and hard. Only $5 apiece for extras."
"Why that's a grand idea," exclaimed Mrs Hinckly. "I always thought Barry could have used a good spanking. Better late than never I say," said the spinsterish woman, fumbling in her purse for the money. "Here's twenty five dollars. It's all for charity, right?"
"Every bit," said Mary Ann with a big grin. Wow-- $25 and they had just opened. "Let's go Barry," she said with a laugh, "time for that trip to the principal's office you never got to take." This last comment was accompanied with a broad wink directed at Mrs Hinckly who smiled with pleasure. Barry blushed and gave her a weak smile.
When they had closed the curtain, Mary Ann took charge.
"Ok, Barry, stand here," she said motioning to a spot in the center of the tent. "Now bend over, hands on your knees." Barry blushed at having to assume the juvenile posture in front of the two women, but he did as he was told. "That's right, Barry, stick it out," she said as Barry bent over, his ass straining the seams of the already tight shorts. Hmmm...cute chubby cheeks, thought Mary Ann as she tapped his
seat with the paddle. This was going to be fun.
"Now Barry," said Mary Ann, rubbing the paddle across his butt in slow circular arcs, "you keep count, Ok?" This question produced a muffled response. "Was that a yes, Barry? Good boy." Then she looked up at Mrs Hinckly. "What do you think, should I give this bad boy his spanking?" Mrs Hinckly just beamed. After all these years the little brat was going to get it. Mary Ann drew back her arm and brought the paddle down with a loud whoosh...Crack!
"Ahh," grunted Barry. "One." Jeez that stung, he thought. She can hit hard for a girl.
Whack! "Oww. Two." Mary Ann smiled at Mrs Hinckly. She patted the proffered cheeks and drew back again. She pivoted and swung through with a smooth forehand.
Crack! "Three," squeaked Barry. Damn! It burned. Hot. Hot. Hot.
Mary Ann took her time and tapped Barry's bottom, like she was looking for the right spot. Barry flinched. This hurt like fire.
Whack! Hardest one yet--right on the crowns of his buttocks. A sizzler.
"Yeoww. Uh, four," managed Barry.
No, no, no, thought Barry. Don’t crynow! His eyes were welling up. This stung atrociously in the tight spandex biker shorts--and all he had on underneath was a jock. He'd had no idea girls could hit so hard.
"Last one Barry. Ready?" Barry grunted in assent. Mary Ann wound up and delivered a blistering Whack! to the Barry's bottom that sounded like a firecracker.
"Yah....ow...five," sang out Barry.
"Bravo!" Exclaimed Mrs Hinckly, clapping. "Very good."
Barry rose, rubbing his buttocks and grimacing.
"Wait a minute," said Mrs Hinckly, reaching into her purse, "I think he could use a few more." After all these years, she couldn't believe how positively satisfying this was--to finally see Barry the brat get his seat well roasted.
Barry gulped, panicked now. His ass was flaming hot. Mary Ann had really paddled him hard--just as hard, in fact, as he got it in pledge meetings from the upperclassmen. He didn't know how he could take any more.
"Well, thank, you, ma'am," said Mary Ann as Mrs Hinckly handed her a $20.
"Well Barry, back over you go and hang on tight. Here we go, four real stingers." And she winked at Mrs Hinckly as she drew back her paddle.
Barry cringed, "b-but...please, I..".
Mary Ann put her hands on her hips and gave him a stern look. "Barry! I'm surprised-- a big guy like bend over and stick your fanny out." Barry groaned inwardly but assumed the shameful position.
Mary Ann was going to make Barry pay for his reluctance to obey her. With a grim look she cocked her arm at shoulder level.
Crack! "Ow!" yelled Barry. Mary Ann's swat landed right across the fattest part of his behind. That was the hardest one yet and he lurched forward a little.
"I think you should say 'thank you ma'am' after each one, Barry." Mary Ann grinned at Mrs Hinckley and she nodded with approval.
Miserably, from his bent-over position Barry repeated the shameful mantra. "Yes, ma'am. Thank you ma'am."
"Ah...ow...thank you ma'am."
Mary Ann patted Barry's butt and drew the paddle back again. Smack!
"Yeow...ah, thank you ma'am."
Mary Ann measured the distance for the last one. Her backswing with the paddle was shoulder high and she pivoted through, sweeping the paddle in a graceful arc.
Splatt! The paddle connected with Barry's bottom solidly. The cheeks rippled. "Oh..ow...yike!" squealed Barry.
"What do you say, Barry?" said a satisfied Mary Ann.
"T-thank you ma'am," choked Barry.
Oh, please, I'm not going to cry. But he could sense tears coming, it hurt so bad. He rose and massaged his tender sit spot. Mrs Hinckly took it all in with approval. Many was the time that she had wished that she could have just tipped young Barry over her knee, yanked down his pants and blistered his little behind.
"Well, Barry, I'm glad to see you finally got your comeuppance, you rascal, you. This has definitely made my day. Young lady," she said to Mary Ann, "you really know how to swing a paddle."
"Well, thank you," said Mary Ann, as Mrs Hinckly departed.
"And good job, Barry. Now let's get back out front and make some more, what do you say?"
"Ah, sure, Mary Ann," said Barry still rubbing. Wow! That stung like hell fire. Barry didn't know if he could take any more customers like that one.
I have a feeling it's going to be a long day! Now, who will be next?
This is a great and different little story Hermione. Poor Barry will be hoping he doesn't get chosen again! Mary Ann and Ms Hinckly sure had fun.
Thanks for this story. I thought Mrs Hinckly would be the one giving Barry his swats.
I'm sure Mrs Hinkley will be telling all the other teachers and they'll be hurrying on down to Mary Ann's tent ... Barry will be in triple figures in terms of swats by the end of the day!
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