What are your thoughts on full-coverage granny panties for spanking?
NoraJean: I'm married to Frank ... aka Mr Lingerie Man ... anything 'under' related is a go ... lol!
Shell: I'm glad I get to come after NJ.....because ever since I introduced my
Matt to her Frank's rule about what goes underneath, Matt takes that
same approach. Granny panties?? I don't think I own any now! At least
he's not put any out for quite awhile. So, I think I can conclude --
he's not a fan. (And really I'm not either. ) I know I've not worn any
in quite awhile. LOL (NJ, make sure to thank your Frank for me. LOL)
Bernie: Thongs, yes! Granny panties, no! Anything in between is just fine with me.
actually think that a little more coverage is more alluring. But,
please, don't remind me of elderly English women changing on the beach
on the Costa del Sol.
Happiness to all of you. And good spankings to all!
Roz: I usually avoid granny panties in favour of a pair of nice low cut
briefs, that includes day to day wear. Having said that though, I don't
think granny panties would phase Rick at all lol.
Windy: As the result of Meredith's "Pretty panties" comments on her blog and
NJ's buying panties she thinks Frank will like, I no longer own granny
panties. I do have sports ones that I wear, but they're low cut like
Roz said. I have some very nice daily ones in a variety of
colors, bikini cut that Storm enjoys seeing me wear. Sometimes I will
ask him to pick a color; it's usually a pretty peach or a mint green
and they're slightly sheer.
J. Stern: Advice to husbands: If you are not satisfied with the general behavior
of your wife since some time, make her wear granny panties (open-worked
or see-thru) under a rather short skirt. Take care, to add to her
apprehension and shame, that the panties have a little hole at a
sensible place, indicating her negligence in the maintenance of her
underwear. Take her for a walk on the side of a subway grating. Keep
her hand tightened in yours when the warm air lifts her skirt. To vary
you can ask her to remove her panties and redo a passage.
Loki Darksong: I have no problem with the so-called granny panties. They have a elegant
charm to them that thongs and g-strings cannot compete with. Especially
in the full regalia of garter belt and stockings. Or if just a
oversized shirt or t-shirt is worn with them alone.
Giving a
woman a spanking or a caning or a strapping or a paddling over them has a
certain satisfaction that comes when you shift to the next stage and
pull them down to fully expose her backside. It is the equal of
unwrapping a present for both your pleasure.
Rick: I prefer to see girls in regular panties, as it lends an air of
innocence and propriety which in turn, at least in my eyes,
dramatically increases my sexual desire. Now add satin material, some
feminine lace or ruffles, combine with a soft pastel color, particularly
pink, toss in a good over the knee spanking, and my "apparatus" will
become a virtual volcano!!
Amy: Eric is a big fan of a simple black thong during a spanking, or any
other time for that matter. I do have a red pair of boy's shorts he's
spanked me in a time or two but they seem to end up on the floor rather
quick and then I'm just bare over his knee.
Sir Wendel: Does not really matter. Panties come down for a spanking anyway.
Ronnie: When I hear Granny knickers I always think of large white plain cotton
ones. I do have a couple of pairs of full fitting knickers, black and
silky, definitely not Granny ones and P loves them.
Yorkie: Er, I'm spanked bare bottom. Akways. No undies, espicially ladies undies.
Hermione: Ron doesn't much mind what I have on; it comes off very quickly!
Thank you all for your revealing comments!
"Dirty" movies • Re: WITCH ACADEMY (1995)
7 hours ago
1 comment:
Granny panties no way, that would take away from the visual effects right from the start, they'll be spanked bare bottom in the end anyway, but I don't want to pull down no granny panties!!
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