Saturday, April 13, 2019

You Completed the Caption

KDPirre: In order to keep her clothes paint-free, Hilda had considered wearing nothing at all....but then, realizing where her red wiping rag would then have to be tucked, decided to just go with a bikini.

QBuzz: It looks like you missed a spot darling, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you a good spanking out here where all the neighbours can see!

NoraJean: I know what Frank, the professional painter would say: "Your ladder safety is appalling, Miss Hilda. If you don't get down and back up properly, I might have to make it so the colour of your bum matches your paint rag."

Spanky53: Well, I hope I'm getting my bottom painted red later...with a different kind of brush.

EsMay: My Dear, that is just too dangerous a position for you to be maintaining. But, since you've put yourself into this position, let me grab that little towel from your behind, give it a little rinsing from the hose, and see how well you can stay in place while I redden those white cheeks with a damp towel. 50 strokes, shall we?

Ronnie: Hilda said to herself, if this doesn't get me spanked today, then nothing will.

Wendel: Hilda knew that if she colored out of the lines it would mean the paddle later.

Hermione: I'm so high up, he'll never be able to reach my bottom with that little paddle!
From Hermione's Heart

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