This rare historical photograph was taken in a courtroom, where a young lady—possibly the plaintiff—is showing the judge her...evidence?What might be the circumstances that led to this rare display?
Complete the caption by leaving a comment and I will render my verdict on Saturday.
Bath Brush would have done a better job.
"I ordered a tattoo of a tiger, not a pussycat!"
If there was ever any doubt that lawyers speak out of their ass.....
I see you.
with an ass like mine, I ask the jury, why won't my husband spank me? I think his lack of interest in doing his duty in disciplining me is objectionable and why I want a divorce. His attitude is cruel and unusual.
I humbly offer you my blog with 100% real stories with my submissive
“See, the stripes are uneven”
"As you can see I have already been substantially punished. But I will retain this position if you insist than what has already been administered in insufficient. You may yourself do the honors, if it pleases his honor."
- Rosco
'I hereby disagree with the medical officer and concur with the prosecution that the defendant's buttocks are clearly capable of enduring a full judicial caning. Bailiff, bring the rod!'
Stenographer: If only i had an ass like that i would just . . oh crap! did i just type that in the court notes.
I think you used this picture about 4 years ago but I can't think of anything better than the one I used then.
Judge "I'm sorry but that's not what I meant when I said I would like to see the briefs before we start".
'I asked for the WHOLE truth..not the HOLE truth! "
After much deliberation, the judge granted the defendant's motion to reduce her sentence to a spanking plus time served.
Judge - Miss Cartwirght, sit down now, or I'll have you taken down and locked up if you disrupt my court like that again.
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