Last month I brought you a story by Rollin Hand, in which two naughty wives get a big surprise after disobeying their husbands. (Reread it
here.) Their curiosity hasn't been satisfied, so they just might be in trouble again.
“It’s just not right,” said Luanne. It was several days after the incident on the island with the cannibal hillbillies. She and Cath were sitting at the table in Luanne’s cabin. Both women were in short cut offs and halter tops. The dishes had been cleared and the men had left again to help the sheriff. Luanne and Cath were sipping coffee when Luanne had just blurted it out.
“What’s not right? That we got our tails switched by some inbred mountain clan people who might have been cannibals?” Cath shivered. “We got off easy if you ask me.” It was now a bad memory. But the marks from that terrible switching had faded mostly. Cath had peered at her backside in the mirror. Just a few faint weals were now visible. Jake had dutifully rubbed cold cream on her bottom every night and, it had seemed, had been particularly attentive afterwards. The cold cream rubbing had led to other things which made Cath think that maybe there was a silver lining in this after all.
“Two things are not right,” said Luanne. “First we let our husbands down and put ourselves in danger. They told us not to go to that island.” She stopped and got a pensive look on her face. “I’m almost of a mind just to hand Gus the strap and tell him to go ahead and tan my hide good. I feel like he should. But second, those hillbillies are still at large.”
“What?” Cath exclaimed. “Gus would do that to you?”
Luanne directed a sharp look at Cath. “Honey, don’t act all innocent. Don’t you dare tell me Jake never puts you over his knee.”
Cath blushed and squirmed.
“Yes, he does you little butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-your-mouth princess. I can see it.”
“All right, all right. Sometimes.”
“Hah! I knew it. What does he do and when?” Luanne smiled knowingly.
Cath raised her eyebrows. “I’ll tell you if you tell me,” she said.
“Deal,” said Luanne. She hunched forward. “Don’t leave out one little detail.”
Cath sighed. “If you must know, he got one of those cracker barrel paddles—you know, the type that says ‘wife tamer’ and has a little cute slogan on it. It’s a little cedar paddle that’s light and all, but it stings like you sat on a beehive.”
“Go on.”
“It was right after we were married. We went on this weekend trip down to Kentucky. It started out ok, but I was in a bad mood that day. We were going down to stay in this romantic country inn and see Mammoth Cave. But we got started late because I wasn’t ready and Jake was put out with me about that. Well, I snapped at him and got all bitchy and I said ‘why don’t you just turn the car around then and go home’. Jake told me we’d be all right, that it was our romantic trip and don’t be that way. That kind of stuff. Well, the more he tried to smooth things over and make nice, the bitchier I got.”
“Yeah, girl, I have noticed that tongue of yours can be a mite sharp.”
“I guess I just got worse and worse, complaining and whining, and after awhile Jake went all quiet. Then he turned and said, ‘Cath if you don’t stop this childish tantrum of yours, I’m going to treat you like your daddy did when you were thirteen.’ Well I knew exactly what he meant by that because I remember telling him what my daddy did when I was thirteen and called my mom a f’**ing bitch.”
“What did your daddy do?” asked Luanne.
“He put me over his knee right there in the living room, pulled my pants down and paddled the seat of my panties with my mom’s hairbrush, that’s what. So I got all indignant and said ‘you wouldn’t dare’, that I’d tell my daddy, etcetera. Well, Jake just said, ‘go ahead, tell him then, but I’ll tell you two things. First is I mean what I say, and the next is that your daddy told me just what to do with you if you threw a tantrum like this’.”
“Whoa! Then what happened?”
“We didn’t say much after that. I was fuming and Jake did not try to make conversation. We stopped for gas at a Cracker Barrel and he went inside. He came out carrying something in a bag and I said ‘what’s that’? And he said, ‘I’ll show you later. It’s a surprise.’ Well we got there and I stomped in and told Jake I was taking a bath before we did anything. Jake, to my surprise, said, ‘fine’ and he sat on the bed to wait for me. I slammed the door and took about an hour, making him wait. I finally got out of the shower and realized my bag was in the room, so I just wrapped up in a towel and came out.”
“Jake was sitting on the bed. That paper bag was next to him. He asked me if we could start this weekend over on a better foot, that he was sorry if he’d made me upset and that we’d go out for a nice dinner. And, I don’t know what came over me. Maybe I wanted to test him, I don’t know, but I said something snippy to the effect that I didn’t care if he got down on his knees and kissed my ass, he could go to hell. Well, he came up off that bed and before I knew it, he ripped my towel off. So there I was, totally nude, and he hauls me right over his knee face down. My ass is right up in the air over his lap and I’m totally vulnerable and I’m staring at the carpet. He pats my fanny and says, ‘just remember, Cath, you asked for this.’
“Then he started spanking me with that big hard hand of his. He smacked one cheek then the other—over and over. At first it tingled, then it stung. Then it was blazing. He must have spanked my little bottom for a good five minutes while all I could do was squirm and yelp and kick, but it did no good. Then he stopped and asked if I was ready to behave. I told him where he could stuff it, so he gave out this big sigh and I hear that bag rustling. The next thing I knew my bottom feels a sting like nothing I’d ever felt. It was liked I backed into a stove. It was that paddle, as I found out later. It made this sharp crack sound and each swat felt like a hornet sting. Twenty cracks later I was apologizing—and how.”
“He let me up and I danced around rubbing my fanny which was flaming hot. Then he took me in his arms and said he was sorry but he wasn’t going to put up with my sass. And then something happened—I felt so, well, turned on that we, uh….well we ate pretty late that night. I mean when I saw Jake’s….um, you know…I think it made him hard, giving me that spanking. But by then I wasn’t complaining.”
Luanne said, “That is some story and I know what you mean. When Gus gets in his cave man mood he gets pretty potent.”
“So now you go,” said Cath. “You promised.”
“Well, it started at the wedding.” Luanne poured herself another cup of coffee. “In our family, and we were a big one, you know, each kid had a whacker, a little leather strap about an inch wide and a foot long. Well, when you acted up, you had to go and get the whacker and give to ma or pa who then lit up your tail with it. Over the knee you’d go and pants would come down. And let me tell you, that little strip of leather stung. You’d be kickin’ and squallin’ while Ma or Pa tanned your little hiney. A good whippin’ lasted two or three minutes and usually produced real tears. Then you’d behave for a good long while after that. But that stopped mostly when you got to be thirteen or so. When all us kids grew up, the whackers somehow got collected and Pa had them all.’
“So damn if he doesn’t tell Gus all about it with me standing there, right at the rehearsal dinner and hand him the whacker. ‘Here son, he said, you might need this. Luanne can be a right hand full.’ Well I just fumed and stomped out. Gus thought it was funny. Pa was half drunk. The wedding went on and I didn’t think any more about it.
“It was a couple of months after the wedding and I was out with the girls—I think you were there too—and I’d had a snoot full. So it’s late but I figured, so what, Gus is on shift so I was in no hurry to leave. When I finally did, I was woozy, but I could still drive. So I get in my car and on the way home I drive right through a radar trap. And wouldn’t you know it? It’s Gus. Now one thing about Gus. Being a state trooper he has a real bug about drinking and driving, and he told me if I was ever arrested for that that there would be hell to pay. But this time he must have recognized the car so he had not radioed it in. He pulled me over and boy was he mad. He made me park the car in a nearby lot then he took me home. I went to bed but he went back on shift.
“He came in about the time I was up and in the kitchen. Boy was he mad. He gave me hell about getting behind the wheel when I’d been at that bar, and I said something like ‘what did you expect me to do?’ Well that tore it. He stormed off back into the bedroom for a few minutes and when he came back he was holding that strap. And I said something stupid like ‘what do you think you’re doing with that?’
He didn’t say anything at first. Before I could move he grabbed me, sat in a chair, and flung me over his knee and yanked down my panties. He said ‘no wife of mine is going to drink and drive, Luanne.’ And then he whipped my bare ass but good with that strap. Daddy never tanned my tail half as good as Gus did that morning. He spanked my bottom with that strap for what seemed like forever. I was kicking and hollering but he just went on and on, laying on with that strap. My bottom was a red as a beet and hot as a bonfire.”
“After that he said he was going to keep the whacker hung up in our closet in case he ever had to use it again.”
“So does he use it?” asked Cath.
Luanne sighed. “Remember that night we went out and ended up dancing on the tables at Dooley’s and they had to call the cops?”
Cath nodded. She remembered that one all right. It had got pretty wild.
“When he got me home that night he told me to take my clothes off—all of them. Then he got out that strap, sat on the bed and put me across his knee and gave me a hard licking with it. My fanny was as red as a ripe tomato by the time he was done and I was squalling like a baby. He said the way we were teasing those men it could have been much worse. I suppose he was right. Now don’t get the idea that he hauls it out for every little thing. Hell, I wouldn’t stand for that. But you know how I love to raise hell and sometimes I have to admit, I get a little carried away. So it’s if I do something dangerous or stupid, that’s when I’m likely to get my butt tanned.”
“Ok,” said Cath, “but what should we do?”
“Somehow we’ve got to make up for that business on the island. We have to do something.” Luanne stood up and gazed out at the lake as if there was something out there that they had missed.
Cath thought a minute. “What if we could help?”
Luanne turned. “Help what?”
“Help our husbands. You know. It’s some kind of watching for suspicious activity on the lake. The sheriff is understaffed and that’s why they asked for Gus and Jake.”
Luanne thought for a minute. Then she grabbed her keys. “C’mon, let’s take a ride.”
“Where are we going?” Cath practically had to run after her friend who seemed to be focused.
“The other side of the lake. You know, I saw something when we were on that island.”
“Wait a minute. Didn’t Jake and Gus say to stay close to the cabin today? Stay in the park here because something was happening?” Cath was worried now. Here was Luanne getting all hyped up again.
“Yeah, but think of it. If we can spot something that helps our husbands, so what if we didn’t stay here like good little wives? They’ll be grateful.” Luanne opened the driver’s door of the SUV and got in.
“What do you think you know though? What did you see?” Cath jumped in the passenger side throwing caution to the winds.
“There was a road, almost hidden by brush but it was there. On the other side of the lake opposite that beach. Next to it was where a creek came in. I’ll bet they use that as a boat ramp. That’s how they get on and off the island I’ll bet. If we find tire tracks or other clues maybe they can test for DNA or something and catch them.”
“I don’t know Luanne. Shouldn’t you just tell Gus about it? Why should we go there?” That seemed like a good question to Cath but Luanne just wheeled out, intent on finding clues.
An hour later they were at the other side of the lake, routed there by the GPS map in the SUV. It was just a gravel road that came right up to the lake shore. But there was a crude ramp made from gravel.
“See, you can get a boat in here.” Luanne was excited. “Let’s look around. And look here—tire tracks.” Luanne looked at the creek. It veered away from the road but there was a rough jeep trail along its bank. It headed straight toward a cliff.
“You know what is around here?” said Luanne. Cath shook her head. “Limestone. A creek coming off a limestone cliff sometimes means there is a cave. Let’s follow this road and see.”
* * *
At the end of the lake the two men in the fishing boat swept the shoreline with high powered binoculars. One man stopped and focused on a distant point hundreds of yards away. “Gus, didn’t you tell Luanne to stay close to the cabin today?”
“That I did,” said Gus.
“Then tell me, partner, what are Luanne and Cath doing over there at the south shore snooping around?”
“What?” Gus had trouble believing this. He swung his binoculars around. “I’ll be damned. It’s them. What in the holy hell?”
“We have to get them out of there. We don’t know exactly when those old boys are going to show up, but we know it could be today.” Jake started up the motor.
“Damn it all!” said Gus. “What the hell is over there that’s got them so curious? They usually access the lake from this end, at the public ramp, or at least the sheriff thought so.”
“I guess we’ll find out when we ask them, and I intend to question my wife rather forcefully.” Jake gunned the engine and the boat leapt forward.
Sadly, Rollin closed his blog soon after publishing this story and never wrote part 3. So let me ask you this. How would you complete the story?
This was another great story from Rollin. It's a shame it wasn't finished. I dare say the girls are in trouble again, but I would like to think their meddling actually helps in the investigation and that they go on to live wonderful, spanked lives with their husbands :)
I used to like Rollin's stories. I think the men get to the girls and they explain what they were doing and sure enough that helps the old men get caught. However, when the get back to the cabins, the men tell their wives what was going on but were also very unhappy that they had disabeyed them. So at the end both men pucished the bare bottoms of both wives, taking it in turns w8ith each wife and they then live happy with mutual spankings from time to time.
I enjoyed the story. Thanks. Yes sad that Rollin didn't write part 3. I think the girls helped their men in the investigation but still got spanked for disobeying and going to the lake.
Loved this line:
"I told him where he could stuff it, so he gave out this big sigh and I hear that bag rustling. The next thing I knew my bottom feels a sting like nothing I’d ever felt."
Rollin and I must be brothers in spirit. Because, switching roles - that is what happened to me 25-some years ago. I was seeing this wonderful woman who indulged my spanking her as long as she got equal time with me. Nothing ever too hard, but a little pink and a little sting and some wild time together in the Wamsuttas after, if-you-know-what-I-mean-and-I-think-you-do.
I was on travel to the west coast working until we couldn't work any longer, sleep in special rooms set up for this in the building, then get right back to work. 18-hour days 7 days a week all because of a hard deadline.
I'm on edge. She calls, we talk, and I take it out on her. To the point the guy sitting next to me said after, "A little hard on her, weren't you? Not her fault."
I was. And I knew it.
Ten days later I get a break and get to go home for a weekend. Call and tell her the day before. She tells me not to go to my place after my plane lands, but to come right to her place! Which sounded kinda' cool!
I do. Plane gets in at 10:30AM, I'm at her door by noon-ish. She meets me at the door wearing almost nothing. Hugs and kisses, then she pouts that I was mean to her and need to be spanked. With THAT look in her eye! Whoo-Hoo! I'm going to get spanked and laid!!!
In her bedroom I go OTK and get the usual fun spanking. When it was time for it to end, she puts left left arm tightly around my middle and says to me: "And this is for being such a bastard to me."
I couldn't see it, but like in the story, she reached back under a blanket - and pulled out a paddle! One she had hidden there, and walloped me with that thing as hard and as fast as she could!! That first whack I really yelled! And squirmed like hell to get off her lap. I had never felt anything like this EVER. If anyone was on the sidewalk outside her window - no doubt at all was was going on inside.
I think she got in 10-12 fierce ones before I got out of her grasp and wriggled off her lap - pissed as hell. Fiercely rubbing my sore butt:
"What the hell did you do that for??"
Her: "Well, you're not thinking about that shitty job now, are you? Besides, you were a royal bastard to me and deserved it."
And I wasn't. And I had. And she was right. And God, did that ever hurt. Then I had to "thank her"...properly!
And here's the last thing: We didn't have a paddle. Didn't use them. But I had pissed her off so much she, like the husband in the story, went out and - bought one!
It was never used again. But she didn't get rid of it either! I think she was leaving me a message in doing that...
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