Roz: Lucy's fishing expedition yielded an unexpected catch.
Rosco: Not sure what she’s fishing for, but I’ll bite (gently).
Kenzie: She didn't expect the fishing trip to take this sort of turn.
KDPierre: Having both suffered recent break-ups and both believing the adage about "too many fish in the sea", Beth and Sally decided to bait the local fishermen.
Dan: What will be the outcome? Probably a really happy photographer.
Prefectdt: With this bait, I reckons I can catch me one of them there hot scuba divers.
Ozarkhillbillyhippie: And not a willow tree in site for a nice limber switch for her sisters deserving arse.
Ronnie: Susan hadn't expected to catch anything that morning.
Red: Proof positive why women should wear loose fitting skirts and dresses, specially on windy days. Fishing is a good idea when the region is becalmed, because it can stir up a lot of fun.
Kingspan: "How odd," she thought. "Usually when I get my bottom bared by someone holding a rod, they're standing behind me."
Wendel: Fishing for a spanking.
Hermione: (girl on the right) Hurry, Roger, get the paddle and tan her bottom while I hold her skirt up.

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