KDPierre: "Cindy! How many of these did you have in there?!!"
Rosco: The girls would be needing to punish the peeping neighbor boy who snapped the picture.
The neighbor boy who snapped the picture would use it to good advantage for years - subjecting the girls to untoward but delicious indignities.
The bees had waited patiently all year for this moment - their time had finally come. (Wonder how many even see the background.)
Bathwater: Picking the Apples and Baring the Peach
Daddycat: Social distancing! Social Distancing!!
Weasel: "Oooooooooo!! I might want to change my mind as to what I wanna bite into now!"
Ozarkhillbillyhippie: Once ur down your butt is mine darlin'.
Prefectdt: Girl without a hat - How do you like them apples?
Girl with the hat - I'm looking at the peaches underneath your breeches.
Girl without a hat - But they ain't so red.
Girl with a hat - Not yet.
Wendel: When their father finds out their bottoms will be as red as the apples.
Ronnie: Hurry up and grab the apple or we'll both be in trouble if we're caught.
Liza: Sandy just realized why Laura was complaining about how painful it was for her to go to the bathroom.
Baxter: Hey can you stop trying to get at my ass until I grab this apple?
Kingspan: Can you at least wait for me to pick the switch before you pull my pants down?
Hermione: Tammy's secret was out. Patty was so stunned by the cane marks, she let go and toppled over backwards.
That was fun! For more fun, you are all invited to join me for brunch. It's being served in a few hours from now so stick around. But you weren't going anywhere anyway, right?

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