Welcome one and all to our weekend discussion time. Once again, our topic is one that was inspired by a suggestion from our good friend Barrel.
How would you rate the technique of the spanker in your relationship? Does your spanker possess equal skill in delivering both fore and backhand strokes? Does the spanker have any special spanking talents?
Leave your response as a comment. Once everyone has had the opportunity to weigh in, I will publish an edited summary of our conversation.

That is a great question! Hmm, let me see. I can say Rick can deliver either a nice light fun spanking or a very effective one depending on the circumstances, mood etc. He has also used a few different techniques, such as the side swing rather than direct swing to good effect.
I think after years of practice The Misses has honed her skills unique to my liking.
My wife spankings are the same, start with the hand, then apply the hairbrush. She insures I remember the spanking not just by the spanking, but pulling down my pants, underpants, scolds me, then the spanking. If really mad, I must undress, be quick about it, the spankings are done in the front room, this is to insure that she can see me facing the wall and not rubbing my bottom. Oh she could care less if someone drops in during the spanking, after the spankings, just becomes part of the punishment. Jack
My wife has sufficiently honed her whipping skills to wield both the strap and riding crop from both sides with back hand strokes. During our last session, she really surprised me with many intense, back handed lashes. With the addition of our new tawse, and a little reading, she prefers to deliver blows in a more vertical fashion so the tails will wrap into the bottom crease of both cheeks.
Thanks for sharing. Cheers
I'm totally biased and I have no real world basis for comparison, but I think my husband is a world class spanker. His aim is excellent and he displays a wide range of techniques. He routinely varies the strike zone, intensity, pacing, and angle so I never know what is coming next. He covers my entire bottom but avoids straying too high, too low, or too far outside. I'm not sure about his backhand technique. I guess he does that too, but it's not as common.
As for special talents, I will stick to spanking and cite his wrist pop. He snaps a short paddle or hairbrush so as to maximize the sting upon impact with my bottom. This is a standard feature of our OTK spankings.
My wife prefers to use either a long shoehorn (2.5 feet I think) and the riding crop. Her application of those implements is dead on my bottom and I can feel them for a long time and I appreciate them. My only wish is that she had done it earlier in our marriage, but here we are in our almost mid 60s.
Are you kidding?! She's perfect! :-) Graham
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