Welcome back, dear friends. It hasn't been a good week here. Until yesterday, I thought our community had dodged the covid bullet and we were well on our way to getting back to some kind of normal. There hadn't been a case in over a month. Then it was announced that an irresponsible business owner had ignored health precautions and, as a result, over 200 people have been identified by the contact tracers as possibly being infected. Mask on!
Being at home most of the time means it doesn't really matter what I wear. But at spanking time, clothing can be significant.
Does clothing play a special part in your spanking rituals? Does the giver and/or receiver wear special clothing on a regular basis, or from time to time? How does this enhance the experience?

With my first disciplinarian I asked her to wear a pencil skirt, blouse and heels. She flatly refused, letting me know in no uncertain terms that I would be spanked when and where she decided and with her wearing whatever she was wearing at the time. I soon found out she meant exactly that and so I was spanked with her wearing everything from a formal gown (once) to her sweats and T- shirt (many times). By the time my wife took over the discipline chores I was so well trained I don’t think I even asked her to dress-up and she has shown no interest in doing so. Looking back I think my first disciplinarian got it right. A disciplinarian’s job (if it’s real) is to wean the spankee off the fantasy so she can provide real discipline her way. Dressing up would get in the way of that.
We often dress up, from the basic stockings and heels to full-on uniforms. Nothing to get in the way of bare bottom cheeks though :D
I'm sorry to hear that the virus has come to your town. Our region was doing fairly well, until we weren't. It's disappointing that people won't listen to the experts.
I could write entire blog posts about dressing up for a spanking, and I have. Randy and I love role play and dressing up is a big part of that. Whether I'm a 50s housewife, a spandex superhero, a bouncy cheerleader, a sexy secretary, or just dancing around in lingerie, Randy demonstrates his appreciation in the best ways. It's fun to step out of one's daily persona and clothing is one good way to achieve that.
Irene dresses up more in the bedroom than anywhere else. She often changes her clothes several times as she spanks me, ties me up, climbs aboard for reverse cowgirl cunnilingus then finally allows me inside.
I have a big panty fetish (for the right kind) but they have to come off at some point - except for a special crotchless pair. Some of her outfits are fairly normal - you would not think twice if you saw them on the street. Others, like her red lacy pantaloons and bustier or her drindl, are bedroom only stuff.
I am usually naked, but she is usually dressed. It's evolved that way to please me I think but she seems pretty happy about it all.
- Rosco
Once in a while we lick to dress up in costumes since Halloween is our favortie holiday. Nothing like spanking Cinderella's bare bottom. Other than that the clothes do not really matter since the bottom will be bare for the spanking.
No, the lack of clothing plays a part.
I suppose that's unduly flippant, so let me just give one instance where clothing did play a part.
I had a date with a very nice girl to take her to dinner. When I got to her place, I had her undress completely for me, and then picked clothing for her to wear. I told her she didn't have any suitable panties, so she'd have to go without any. We left in my car and made some stops before heading to the restaurant.
However, I got her some panties along the way. after heading to the restaurant, I told her that if she was good the rest of the way, I'd let her wear panties into the restaurant. She was shocked to find that I had a nice, new pair for her to wear.
She was a very good girl and got to wear them into the restaurant. But the spankings she got were still on the bare bottom.
I routinely lay on my tummy with nothing on but a light bathrobe, waiting for my wife to come into the bedroom to spank me. When she comes, she raises the bathrobe to expose my bottom, places a hand in the middle of my back and uses a wooden paddle to give me a pretty hard spanking. She will be in street clothes. A typical paddling comes to about six dozen strokes.
Hi Hermione, I'm sorry to hear about the potential virus cases in your area. Stay safe!
We don't routinely dress up. From memory I have worn a skirt and shirt akin to a school uniform once or twice. When I know spanking, and/or other activities are on the cards I do always ensure I wear sexy underwear.
We've been know to do role play. Riding student/riding instructor and schoolgirl/headmaster the main two. Real fun to do.
I’d say that I always try to wear sexy lingerie when spanking is planned. We both love it!
My wife regularly wears a bustier with garters and stockings for most of our moments, including regular spankings. When we have planned a session, she will wear seamed stockings, which I really like. It is a visual message to me that this will be more than just a spanking. Normally, I am just bare. But for the sessions, she will put me in hose or thigh high’s for the day to heighten the mental torment I go through, knowing what is coming. I think spanking and whipping through pantyhose increases the intensity, but they always come off when she gets down to serious business.
Yes! Yes, it does. Our Birthday suits!
My spanking soulmate loves dressing me in her panties when i'm to be spanked. They never stay on that long..as soon as they're warmed properly, they're taken down and i'm spanked bare bottom over her knee with hand and sometimes brush. She has recently added having me wear a short 'schoolgirl' skirt, which when put over her knee, gets flipped up immediately as she spanks and scolds her little 'school girl'. The panties are a turn-on for me..and she has a wide variety of satin and lacey ones in every color imaginable..though she KNOWS i hate yellow..so those are used for special occasions when she is extremely upset with me.
Most of our spanking are for fun and extended foreplay even if they involve a disciplinary scenario. I love it when she wears suspenders/stockings, and she is usually happy to oblige.
Mind you, not every spanking requires such attire, but I know it's going to be a fun evening when she dresses like that.
To each his/her own, of course!
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