What are you unable to indulge in during social isolation? Do you have plans for when we return to normal?
Fred Bloggs: I am looking forward to being allowed back at the nudist club. That may
be soon with suitable social distancing. Eventually when it's safe to
get up close to other people I plan to meet up with some spanko friends
for a spanking session.
Roz: Not totally kinky, but we have missed our date nights where we get our
fav takeaway, have a few drinks, listen to music....then there may be
some kink lol. Fortunately though, with lockdown ended here we can again
have our favourite takeaway.
CK: I'm never going to wear clothes again. Not at home, not at the beach,
not at work. Ok, maybe at work. But when the nest is empty, it all comes
Prefectdt: Well not having a play partner to hand I am missing getting spanked or
indulging in any kind of CP play. Due to dealing with a skin condition
before lockdown, it had been a while since I had played anyway. I think
it has been nearly a year now since my rear end was last reddened. My
pain sluttyness gauge is reading red with steam coming out of the top.
As soon as it is possible, I will be arranging a long overdue rump roast.
As soon as it is possible, I will be arranging a long overdue rump roast.
Wendel: We miss eating out, going to the movies and shopping other than
groceries and necessities. The occasional spanking before and after
added to the enjoyment. Trying to sit comfortably and eat in a crowded
restaurant with a sore bottom or knowing a spanking is coming as soon as
you get home is quite exciting.
Rosco: My favorite burrito places are offering take out, but it’s far less convenient.
I did give my wife a 90 minute foot massage while she was on Zoom the other day - lying on the floor under the table safely out of view of the camera. That was very fun for both of us.
I did give my wife a 90 minute foot massage while she was on Zoom the other day - lying on the floor under the table safely out of view of the camera. That was very fun for both of us.
Bonnie: For us, it's evenings out at a restaurant before a live performance or
movie. TTWD happily continues, but we miss the outside world.
Ronnie: We miss nights out in our favourite restaurants, going to the theatre and been able to go abroad.
Baxter: We are missing being able to go camping, but hope to during June. I
started working from home on March 16 and then five weeks later, was
laid off and it has become early retirement for me. I am in the kitchen a
lot more and when needed, my wife grabs the bread board and spanks me
as I stand, kneading dough for bread. Nothing like a good paddling to
take one's mind off events. We are enjoying making food at home and it
may be quite a while before we go to restaurants and concerts again.
Barrel: Yes, we miss the interlude in our sessions. Session for us are more
spaced out, well scripted with a long build up to a serious whipping and
caning. While our build up includes a plug, pantyhose for me with an
initial hand spanking, our interlude includes going out for sushi,
oysters, or a good lunch with great wine. That is what we really miss
because it is where my wife openly describes the intense and extended
thrashing that awaits after lunch. I hope we will add back as health
allows but about to cross the 65 year old threshold brings the need to
be wary and wise.
Dan: For me, it's really the simple human contacts. I miss having coffee, or
a beer after work, sitting across a table with a live human being in a
place that isn't my house.
Hermione: I really miss going to church and singing in the choir, although it may be some time before singing in large groups is permitted. We have three gift cards for restaurants and one for a bakery, and we are looking forward to being able to use them. Our kinky activities continue unabated.
Stay safe, everyone!

Going to the grocery with no mask no arrows on the floor with more doors to enter and exit and admire a nice butt closer than six feet
The lock down has given me time away from my Mother-in-law, if my wife heard me say this I would be in big trouble. The time with just my wife has been great. Still spanked, but it has been stress less, relaxing, and we were smart to save for a rainy day and this has been a rainy day. Jack
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