Sunday, July 11, 2021

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #391

Welcome one and all to our weekly discussion time. Last week we talked about our feelings while waiting for a spanking. This week is the followup, how we feel afterwards, taken from Bonnie's very first brunch.

How do spankings make you feel? Satisfied? Contrite? Romantic? Or just plain sore?

Please leave your response as a comment or email me. Once everyone has had a chance to weigh in, I will publish an edited summary of our discussion.

From Hermione's Heart


WendelJones said...

It may sounds silly but a spanking is one way we show affection towards each other. Oh yeah , we feel sore for hours afterwards.

Bonnie said...

Oh, yes, all that and so much more. To a large degree, how I feel depends upon the spanking and the circumstances. I could provide a hundred adjectives to describe my emotional reactions to a spanking. For the sake of brevity, here is a slightly shorter list: fulfilled, loved, humble, happy, dazed, special, energized, sexy, connected, and snugly. And sore, definitely sore.

Roz said...

Hi Hermione,

How I feel after a spanking depends on the nature of the spanking, the reasons behind it and any emotions involved. It can also depend on the length and intensity. Basically though, all of the above.


Anonymous said...

Sore, very little, and will be glad when able to sit comfortable again. Spankings are punishment, which I need, my childish behavior, or as my wife reminds me, men are just little boys, comes out and needs proper motherly attention. Jack

Anonymous said...

There’s a deep satisfaction that leaves me spent and exhausted. No contrition since it’s all role play - Irene may tease me about having learned my lesson about peeking up girls’ skirts and stuff like that.

I had to wear long pants yesterday since some errant lashes of her quirt left marks on my legs. But the deeper soreness from a sound spanking is most pronounced 24-72 hours afterwards.


Bernie said...

I usually feel contented after a thorough spanking. It let's me know that I'm valued and loved. It also gives me the satisfaction of having completely submitted. Soreness is appreciated, too, as it reminds me of the caring that went into giving it.

The best to all of you!

ronnie said...

How I feel after does depend on the spanking I'm getting so can be loved, connected, content, satisfied, contrite, sexy but always sore.



If it is a good spanking, that has gone well, then my mind will be dancing with the fairies for up to a day afterwards. Spanking induced endorphins have a strong effect on me


Anonymous said...

"How do spankings make you feel? Satisfied? Contrite? Romantic? Or just plain sore?"

I missed the earlier "before" question, but as for this one, certainty satisfied, romantic, and a bit sore, but I think mostly..."affection?"

I only spank/get spanked for the sheer fun of it (never "punishment") but afterwards, with me or her or both with fairly red and tingling bottoms, I think back to what fun it was, and how lucky I was to share it with my spanker/spankee. I have always had warm feelings toward my partner. "Affection" seems the correct definition.


Barrel said...

I don’t think I can express it any better than Bonnie and Roz. That’s exactly how I feel. After a long and stern session, I too, feel dazed. I love that adjective.
