The phone rings. Who do you want it to be?
A client offering me work.
When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
I always take it back to the cart corral, and I straighten the other carts so there is room for other people to put theirs in too.
In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
A listener.
Do you take compliments well?
I always smile and say thank you.
Are you an active person?
I don't do anything too strenuous, but I do like to go for a walk every day.
If abandoned alone in the wilderness, do you survive?
Only if I found a Tim Horton's in a clearing.
Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
Day camp. I was too shy to go away from home overnight.
What was your favorite game as a kid?
Hopscotch. We played it at school every day.
A sexy person is pursuing you, but you know that he/she is married, would you?
Not on your Nellie.
Are you judgmental?
What kind of person would ask a question like that?
Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
It would be fun to be pursued, but I believe that I have usually been the pursuer.
Use three words to describe yourself.
Meticulous, intelligent, over-achiever.
If you had to choose, would you rather be deaf or blind?
Deaf. I would hate to be unable to see.
Are you continuing your education?
I never stop learning.
Do you know how to shoot a gun?
Yes. I belonged to a rifle club in high school.
How often do you read books?
Every day.
Do you think more about the past, present or future?
The present as well as the immediate future.
What is your favorite children's book?
The "Jill" series of pony books by Ruby Ferguson.
Where is your ideal house located?
It's a thatched roof cottage in a village in Midsomer.
Boxers, briefs, thongs, panties or grannies?
I'm not sure of the difference. To me, briefs, panties and grannies are all the same. Panties, I suppose.
Last person you talked to?
Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
Sure, for my school bus pass every year.
What are your keys on your keychain for?
House and car.
Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
To the downtown area and back again - about 10 km.
Where is your current pain?
My brain hurts from trying to come up with answers for this meme.
Do you like mustard?
I like honey dijon better than regular yellow.
Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
Eat, then sleep.
Do you look like your mom or dad?
When I look in the mirror I see my maternal grandmother looking back at me.
How long does it take you in the shower?
About 10 minutes.
What movie do you want to see right now?
Quartet and Lincoln. I'm on the waiting list for both DVDs at the public library.
What did you do for New Year's?
Last year we had a cheese fondue at home, then watched DVDs. We didn't make it to midnight.
What was the cause of your last accident?
My dog jostled my elbow and I spilled my tea.
Please feel free to use this meme on your blog and by all means, remove any questions that don't pertain to you.

Great answers - thanks for sharing. Might have a go myself.
Enjoyed reading this Hermione, great questions and I love your answers. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Hermione. I like this meme.
Panties, normal coverage, grannies, full coverage, briefs, less coverage.
If you mean 10 minutes in the shower with the water running, you may be part seal. grin
I think I will ask Bacall to do this one.
DelFonte - I hope you decide to try it too.
Roz - My pleasure.
Joey - You're welcome.
Hermione, interesting meme, As to what am I. Past, Present, or Future. Even at the ripe old age of 80. I seem to be a Futurist. And this seems to be have been all my life. Yes, I did like my parents, both Mom and Dad. Good Good people. I sure miss them. As to knowledge. Never stopped being curious, about this great big wide world of ours.
Enjoyed reading your answers.
Hopscotch and skipping was my favourite playground game
I'll be definitely doing this one. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for this one, Hermione. If I had a blog, I would probably do it. I always find them interesting.
I love these memes and finding out such interesting tidbits about our fellow bloggers.
I love that the way a person answers the questions speaks volumes more about them than the actual answers :) Good questions on this one, too.
This was great! I had so many thoughts to the questions! I hope my scattered, crazy life creates room for me to use this!!
Bogey - I have to get all the nooks and crannies clean, don't I?
Six - You have indeed lived an interesting life.
Ronnie - Oh, yes, skipping was another favourite.
Bobbie Jo - Aha! A good reason to start one:)
Sunny _ I hope you do it too.
River - Welcome!
Minelle - Please do. I'm looking forward to reading yours.
Luv your responses, Hermione!
All I can say is, well, sigh . . .
Ricky - Aww, thank you!
Enzo - (with what?)
Great answers. Loved the judgmental one lol :)
My apologies Hermione.
That vague comment was meant for another post on an entirely different blog.
All the best always,
Elle - Thanks.
Enzo - No problem!
I thought I commented here but I guess I was so excited to read your answers and try it myself I forgot :-) Thanks for sharing...great answers. Such fun! Hugs
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