Six of the best: The woman says, "I fear a BUM steer in the rear on this roller coaster."
Red: Definitely one way to make a getaway and not be spanked... But WHY?
Rollin: "Ok, these rails are the same width apart all the way down, right? I said--right?"
Sunnygirl: I hope he doesn't break anything. OOOHH
Prefectdt: With his new ACME super acceleration system, he was bound to get the Road Runner this time.
Ricky: Go, go, go Robo-Roller . . . Wheee!!!
Mitch: So, this is what around the world means.
Baxter: Daredevil: Don't worry honey, I have workers comp insurance.
Wife: I am not worrying as you have so much life insurance, you are worth more dead than alive. so go ahead and have fun. HA.
Sir Wendel: Dumb Donald finally came to the conclusion that this truly was a stupid idea.
Ronnie: I think I'm going to regret taking this dare.
Vfrat25000: You'all watch this!
Leroy jumped his truck over big bend creek, looked at his brother Clyde and announced "Little brother let's see you top that?" Clyde cleared the Interstate Insurance building, the Hampton city lake and four rows of the eagle bend housing division.
Happy Bend Amusement Park fired their human cannonball Hetrick. Hetrick decided to go out in style.His funeral is Tuesday. He will be missed most by the bearded lady and Petrina the Human Pretzel.
Hermione: The Giant Spanker was the amusement park's most popular ride.
Thank you all for participating on this long (for some of us) weekend. Next time we'll have something that's not as scary.

LOL Hermione! :). These were very creative captions and fun to read! Many hugs,
<3 Katie
Thanks, Katie! There are a lot of very creative people out there.
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