Are the stockings coming off or going on? There might be athird option. Here's what you said:
Our Bottoms Burn: The third option is that they are staying on. The pleasure of nestling between legs encased with nylon is lost on younger men.
Leigh Smith: "Why do I always get these assignments?"
Dragon's Rose: Put that silly gun away. There are no men to chase off. Just you. Now behave or you will be sleeping in the dog house.
Ronnie: I love it when we do role play.
DelFonte: Miss Moneypenny really couldn't understand why 007 had to do everything with a gun in his hand.
Smuccatelli: I wish I was a leg man... Now bend over!
Michael: "Oh, Harry, I'm so glad you didn't put any runs in my nylons when you were wearing them earlier. Wouldn't the gang get a kick if they knew their tough gun-toting boss liked wearing women's undies *giggle*"
Six of the best: 'Stocking Up', his wife, plus her garter-belt. Hubby's eyes glazed with glee at her bare bottom, that was to be spanked.
Vfrat25000: I forgot the bullets for my gun and worse yet, I forgot my Viagra. This isn’t my day!
I think I just met my next ex-wife
Cinemax presents: The Brady Bunch, The Empty Nest Years.
What would be the chances of me receiving an order from headquarters to SPANK HER like the guys on that TV Show I Spy?
He Opens the classified document: “Take her to Rome immediately!”
He opens the second document: “Just kidding, turn that spoiled brat over your knee and paddle her pink!”
ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GaryNTboy: Dorothy thought it was about time she showed Jack where she really wanted his ' big shooter ' to be holstered.
Hermione: Roger knew he had a mesmerizing effect on women, but he wished she hadn't chosen that position to freeze in. He would have to content himself with cleaning his gun until the spell wore off.
Thank you to everyone who participated. I really enjoy reading your captions, and for some of you, it's the only time you leave a comment on this blog. I'm glad to have the chance to get to know you through humour.

To Our Bottoms Burn - I have to agree! Sex with nylons ON is amazing!
Foothills - But wearing them isn't!
Very fun to read, Hermione! Clever captions! :) Many hugs,
<3 Katie
I think someone was dating themselves when they mentioned "I Spy." Unless, of course, they stumbled on replays.
Hermione, why do you have be all negative and rain on the nylon parade? :) You're right though, I imagine wearing them during sex would be different. I wouldn't know. :0
Katie - Katie - They are indeed very clever. I'm glad you liked them.
Bobbie Jo - It could be either. There are TV channels that play only oldies shows.
Foothills - It's just my personal preference. I HATE wearing pantyhose (British tights) or nylon stockings for any activity. I much prefer what we call tights over here - black, navy or other colour that aren't see-through, but are soft, stretchy and warm.
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