A privileged young lady is preparing for an evening out with the help of her maid. What might the occasion be, and what advice is her maid giving her?
Complete the caption by leaving a comment and I will publish your speculations in an upcoming post.
I must look my best. Prince Charming will be spanking me at midnight.
Sir reminded me this morning that it was time for a maintenance spanking, do you think I have enough petticoats to protect my behind?
Probably giving her pointers on how to get around all those clothes. lol
LOL Hermione! :) What Sunny said above! Sheesh- back in the day, when fully clothed, there was probably no such thing as an immediate spanking. the spanker had to go in search of the bottom, I am guessing. Although I can imagine that for some spankers there was probably the satisfaction of "unwrapping" the gift! LOL! Many hugs,
<3 Katie
But then, they didn't wear knickers in those days did they. I think the maid is saying that the pink dress will match her spanked bottom!
This dress should hopefully cover your bottom if you end up getting spanked tonight
Young lady: Oh my man is going to spank me tonight and I have a headache I shan't enjoy it.
Maid: Would you rather that I get the spanking tonight? You can watch and help spank me?
young lady: what a wonderful idea. yes, that is what we shall do. He and I will spank you and maybe my headache will go away and then he and I can, well you know, while you stand in the corner with your red bottom.
Maid: I will be happy to oblige.
Do you want to put on the dress before or after your spanking, Mylady?
So tell me again Aggie, will I have to take down my bloomers before my spanking or will he.
The maid to herself: (If she gets half the birching the Lord gave me last month for spilling the soup tureen, she won't be sitting like that for quite some time.)
What inquiring readers want to know is what the maid thought next: Was it:
a. the brute
b. lucky lady
c. but wasn't he fun afterwards!
d. I wish it was me again
e. where did the chambermaid put the cold cream
f. now I know why the Butler brought the Lord fresh ginger - won't she be surprised
Should I go?
Go ahead!
How was it?
Don't ask!
The maid says to the Queen. "I was told by a footman to the royal household, that the king has purchased a dozen new canes, that will be used on your voluptuous bare derriere after he pulls down your silk lace knickers"
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