Baxter: We will be going camping in our tent trailer in May for a few days and will be out of WIFI, internet and cell phone coverage. I will make it. We had a nine day camping trip in Superior National Forest three years ago and way away from everything, even the toilets were the pit type. It was actually nice to be away from technology as it tends to distract you from reality. But I did get spanked any way.
Downunder Don: Recently I spent 3 weeks in hospital where there was no internet connection. How did I cope...badly. What could I do about it...nothing! Yes, it was a total bugga.
Yorkie: Hi Hermione, I think I would be better off not reading any spanko material as my spankings are non existent where we live now. My only hope of a well warmed bottom is spending time away with my wife (next weekend, yay!) So spending reading spanking blogs and the like is only building up anticipation on my part that goes unfulfilled :(
But when you're someone who just LOVES getting a spanking I guess you can't help yourself can you? ;)
Welcome, Yorkie!
arched one: At times when traveling and unable to read the posts I usually follow I just have to wait until I get home and read the days I've missed. what I don't miss is the spankings I still get when we travel. R manages to bring a wooden spoon with her and there is always my belt to carry out any tasks that come up.
Ella: It would be hard, but I could still read my downloaded books. Also, when I come across a post that really speaks to me I print a hard copy and keep them in a binder. If I had to go cold turkey, those might help me if I missed it that much. Mostly, I have Sam's hand touching my bottom that makes me feel quite satisfied.
Good question, Hermione. Happy Easter to you!
Sir Wendel: I always feel like a part of me is missing when I am away for too long.
Abby Williams: I've taken many a hiatus from the spankoverse over the years since starting my blog, usually because my regular life was too much too handle, or because I thought I needed to focus on being the "real me" (i.e. the regular life me). What I have learned is that I am most myself when I am here, blogging, sharing, making friends, and creating. I came back in January of this year after a personal crisis. I can honestly say that these two and a half months now have me healthier, happier, and the most "me" I've been in a long time. Can I live without the Internet or without the spanking community? Yes. Do I want to? Absolutely not. I am so grateful to be part of a community that is so kind, welcoming, curious, and creative. You all make my world a better place.
Simon: I don't have a blog but I do have a "naughty" Twitter account were I can post spanking related stuff see what other spanking enthusiasts are up to. I generally check my favorite blogs, such as yours, daily but if I am away I just catch up when I get back.
Bonnie: My response somewhat parallels Abby's. I experienced a self-inflicted absence for nearly a year. During that time, I didn't for a moment worry about finding activities to fill the gaps in my attention and my calendar left by not blogging. By that point, I had been blogging for nine years and a variety of projects and promises were already competing for my time. I jumped right into local theater, gardening, writing, cooking, fitness, spending time with our granddaughter, and volunteer work. Oh yes, and getting spanked.
But that doesn't entirely answer the question. There was a time when I would have been completely miserable without my internet connection. Today, its absence is more an inconvenience to be worked around. Perhaps that means that I have finally achieved balance in my life. More likely, it's just my latest phase.
What always brings me back here are the people who constitute this community. During my break, I learned that I could not bear to truly leave forever. Virtual relationships are as real for me as any in the physical space. These people mean a lot. We've lived and laughed and loved through many life events, great and small. So if you don't see me for a while, please know that I will return.
Terpsichore: I would miss the connection I feel with the community here, people who I consider my friends. I can leave technology for a while for various reasons, but like others have said, I will always come back because this is like home.
Fondles: I've been away for almost a year, and during that time I alternated between not caring and missing it dearly!
While I missed the connections and blogfriends, it was also something i needed to do for myself. But I'm glad and excited to be back. So i guess I couldn't stay away forever after all!
Ronnie: I would totally miss the connection with friends within our community. Some friends here are closer than some of my vanilla friends. At least I'd still get my spankings. Loosing internet connection is a pain and an inconvenience but it happens and you just have to work around it but I don't like it when it happens.
Hermione: I would feel quite lost without all my good spanko blog friends. If there really was no way to connect, then I would have to resort to the old-fashioned methods: hard copy books and magazines. I might be motivated to write my own stories. There would always be the possibility of real life connections right here where I live, but without the internet I wouldn't be able to connect with them. But I would still have Ron with his extensive arsenal of spanking toys. And to echo what Bonnie said, there is plenty to do to take up the extra time; I certainly was not bored without the internet.
Thank you all for pondering this important question. I enjoyed the variety of responses.

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