We thought about how our interest in spanking has evolved over the past 10 years, and here's what we discovered:
Sir Wendel: In the last 10 years I would say my interest hasn’t changed. I lucked out finding someone that enjoys getting and giving spankings. We like camping and hiking so there is always interest in outdoor spanking.
Bogey: I will second Sir Wendel but for over two decades.
Downunder Don: The interest has increased over the last 30 years, just the ability to fulfill has waned as our old and tired bodies quietly fall to pieces.
abby: The interest has increased. I was just learning to accept that part of me 10 years ago...now I embrace it...and we have added and had fun discovering many new things.
Yorkie: My interest has not waned at all. My wife never had an interest but she is still willing to spank me, bless her soul. What has decreased though is the opportunity to do it thanks to living with extended family. Weekends away are our only shot and we've had only two in the last six months so I survive on the memories of the last spanking for quite some time.
Simon: One major change in the last 2 years is that I have rediscovered the joys of spanking. For 20 years I had been exclusively on the receiving end and enjoyed that immensely. Then suddenly a few years ago I unexpectedly had the chance to spank a delightful young lady. It was a bit of a tentative spanking and paddling as even though she was an experienced spankee I was worried about hurting her. However I enjoyed it and since then have had a few more chances to spank rather than be spanked. I am still predominantly on the receiving end and I still enjoy that but the odd chance to spank is gratefully taken.
Dr. Ken: My interest in spanking hasn't changed ever since I first discovered it all these years ago. No milestones, other than the fact that I'm still trying to find someone to have a relationship with that shares my interest in This Thing We Do. She's proved very hard to find, sadly.....
Baxter: I dont recall when my wife asked to read a spank fiction book and I handed her one by Fiona Locke. It is definitely within the last 17 years since we moved to the midwest, I will say maybe 12 years ago. After reading several stories in that book, she asked if I wanted a spanking and she grabbed a belt and she has been spanking me, mostly upon request ever since. Prior to that she thought my asking for it was perverted, but she changed her mind and it as been good ever since.
Amy: Wow! There are so many people who have really long spanking histories. How exciting to read that their interest has not dwindled. 10 months in, we are still making new discoveries and thriving on this journey.
Ella: Good question, Hermione. We are only at about two and a half years in, but our interest seems to grow rather than wane. For me it is the fulfillment of a dream I kept secret for so many years.
Six of the best: Hermione, since the age of 10, one of my sexual interests has been spanking a female on her bare bottom. Now at the ripe YOUNG age of 82 this interest is still with me. And I am sure it will be for the rest of my life.
Ripley: Ten years ago I didn't even know I had a thing for spanking. Well, looking back there were lots of signs but I didn't think of it in a sexual way. Then I discovered blogs like yours and my interest increased exponentially! My biggest milestone (so far) is that I have told my husband about it. We haven't gotten very far with it yet for various reasons but now the future is hopeful for an even bigger milestone. :)
Welcome, Ripley!
Ronnie: My interest hasn't waned one bit. We've added new things to our spankings and we've had fun doing it. Still a couple of spanking related things on my Bucket list to tick off.
Hermione: Ten years ago I had yet to discover spanking blogs. We were spanking as part of our bedroom activity, but it wasn't very intense; just a few swats during foreplay. Then I found our wonderful online spanko community, and my enthusiasm soared. Spanking became much more important part of our lives, and my thoughts were pretty much all about that activity. But such intensity doesn't last forever, and now, although spanking is still important, the interest isn't as all-consuming as it once was. We have settled into a comfortable routine that is familiar and vital to our well-being.
Thank you all for taking part in this week`s discussion.

1 comment:
Sorry that I missed the chance to comment this weekend. I was at the beach!
Ten years ago, I was just beginning to pursue my interest in this, after years of light bedroom games and reading the odd issue of Penthouse Forums reprints. I first searched for online material about 10 years ago. I'd put the date around 2005. I read some blogs then, and my interest took off when I discovered Bonnie's blog (around 2007?). For a while I was pretty much obsessed. Now my interest is on the downswing, probably due to fulfilling certain Bucket List items (a harsh one, as atonement; one from a true boyfriend). If I never have another real one, I will have memories and fantasies. I wondered for a long time whether fantasies weren't better than the reality, anyway.
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