Six of the best: Hermione, I will put your question in reverse. Yes, I have been thankful that I have lived in societies where spankings as a sexual fantasy can be given. And I have been allowed to take a so called naughty ladies knickers down, and spanked her bare derriere with pleasure.
Yorkie: I consider it a privilege every single time my wife spanks me. The mere fact that I can share in such a private and intimate activity with my best friend and that she is willing (even though she hates it) to do it for me is euphoric in itself. I am truly grateful to her and I tell her every day and show her as often as I can.
Arched one: I do feel privileged each and every time she spanks me be it erotic or punishment. She went from being vanilla to really enjoying spanking me she also decides when a spanking will take place.
Roz: I do feel privileged to have someone who shares an interest in spanking and for the benefits the lifestyle has brought to our relationship. Greater intimacy and connection.
Bonnie: Yes, absolutely. Our lives would be less satisfying without this essential part of our relationship. We are very fortunate.
Sir Wendel: I am very lucky to have found someone who enjoys getting and giving spankings as much as I do. I always feel privileged to get paddled by such a wonderful woman not matter how sore my back end might be.
Emerging Lurker: Yes, I feel very lucky that my husband is game to play.
Ronnie: Oh yes spanking is a real privilege to have someone who shares my love of spanking. When I'm over P's lap it makes me happy. It's very special.
Hermione: I'll make it unanimous. I am very lucky to have a husband who is on the same wavelength, and who enjoys giving spankings as much as I enjoy receiving them. It was a happy accident that the chemistry was there.
Thank you all for sharing.

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