This week our topic was Domestic Discipline, and those of you who aren't away on holiday, tending their gardens or watching the Olympics had these thoughts to share.
Dan: Hi Hermione. We are in a domestic discipline relationship, of the F/m
variety. We have been doing it for over 10 years, and it works well for
us. We don't do erotic spankings at all. Ours are all for
disciplinary purposes. We feel like it empowers her and gives he a way
to voice her displeasure with bad husband behavior in a very concrete
way. For me, it satisfies a need for boundaries and to subject to some
rules apart from my own. I think of it is as part of a quest for
balance. I have a fairly domineering personality, and DD gives her a
means of putting me in my place when I need it. It also helps her
develop her own sense of power and leadership. So, while not for
everyone, it works for us.
Wilma: I could write a very similar post to Dan but with reverse roles. We
started out with Dd 4 years ago, give or take. As time has gone on we
have ventured more into the D/s realm as well. Though I do now
understand that Dd is a form of D/s. We do occasionally 'play' if you
will in a BDSM form. This tends to be more of a reestablishing or
augmentation of our roles.
Would I recommend Dd? It works for us,
though the more D/s version works better ( seeing how I am such an
angel). I will add however that Dd doesn't always 'fix' things. In fact
there can be a whole lot of messiness associated with it at times. Any
problems that may have been present before Dd don't just magically
disappear with it. It takes a lot of time, energy, effort and
determination with both parties to maintain it. Coasting really isn't
an option. ( Of course one could argue it isn't an option in a vanilla
relationship just seems to be more obvious in a Dd one for
some reason). The highs are very high, and sometimes the lows can be
very low,that is until a balance is achieved...then you grow and change
and start all over again! LOL.
Roz: We started with spanking for erotic fun and as part of D/s play then
decided we wanted to expand it from the bedroom and introduced Dd to our
relationship and continued to spank for play also. Dd is no longer part
of our dynamic, although there are moments that our roles re-surface.
brought many benefits such as a greater intimacy and communication and
some of those benefits remain. While it worked well for us, it isn't for
every couple.
Amy: Good Morning! We started out exploring and questioning if DD was for
us; both intrigued but the idea of the whole thing. We ended up with a
51% 49% relationship that includes spanking for erotic play, resetting
me when life get overwhelming and once in awhile, as punishment. In all
cases, our communication with each other has grown leaps and bounds. If
the interest is there, for both partners, explore it. Keep what works
and move away from what doesn't.
Hermione: We do not have a Dd relationship; ours is very much a D/s one. Spanking is done for erotic pleasure, not punishment. Ron has other ways of keeping me in line when my behaviour doesn't please him. Some couples thrive on a Dd dynamic, but it just isn't for us.
Thank you to all who responded. I would still like to hear from those of you who aren't in a Dd relationship. What's your opinion of it? It's not too late! Leave your reply as a comment here.
You Can See It In Her Face
2 hours ago
Our spankings are for fun, erotic pleasure and yes punishment. Some of the pleasure ones are administered under the guise of punishment to add a little spice.
So no we don't really have a DD relationship. I know it works for many but it's not for us
Our spankings when present are for fun and pleasure. While I may fantasize about being disciplined, the reality is that it would not work for either of us in our dynamic. However, I know it does work well in other people's relationships. I think for every couple it is is different and everyone needs to be comfortable and happy with what works for them in their own unique relationships.
We practice DD: DH spanks and paddles me (Not often or long enough though). DH does it mostly for erotic play and rarely for punishment. I know I should be punished more frequently and more strictly to help me do better and have more lasting results. I'm still waiting for the paddle to fall long and hard enough to be a true punishment. I both hope for it and dread the day that he delivers fully.
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