Hello everyone. I'm glad you could make it today because I have a very special brunch planned.
Last week I awoke in the middle of the night to make a trip to the bathroom. As usual, I had difficulty falling asleep again, and my mind wandered to various topics. For some reason, I wished I could write clever limericks like the ones I sometimes see in the newspaper. Then I thought I'd have a try, and in a few minutes managed to compose a decent (I think) spanking limerick that miraculously I remembered the next day and wrote down. So here is today's challenge:
Compose a limerick about spanking. It doesn't have to be perfect, but give it a try. If you give up, then search the internet for "spanking limerick" and share you favourite find with us.
Leave your limericks in the comments section below and I will publish them, and share mine too, after the weekend.

"Get upstairs NOW, Amy Lynn,"
said Eric with an evil grin,
Out came his belt,
A few whacks and a welt,
and his girl had a red ass again.
Hermione of the feminine gender
From the front appears oh so slender
But turn her ‘round and you’ll find
A most abundant behind
That blossoms whenever you bend her
I’ll have to work On a second verse with an actual spanking
From Eros Blog
There once was a clever young lass
who liked a firm smack on her ass
She turned her professor
into her confessor
as she laid on his lap after class
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