This lovely young lady is making an entry in her diary. What is she writing? The lock on her book ensures that no one else will ever know her naughty secrets.
Please complete the caption by leaving a comment. Go on, I know you want to. We will pick the lock on Saturday.
Now where did I put that key?
All my filthiest fantasies are written in this diary, but you'll never get to read them, because I'll never give you the key... never ever... not even if you spank my bottom until it's the same colour as my diary... not even then... honest...
Oh boy! I know exactky what she's thinking! "What the bloody hell are we going to have for dinner tonight?"
Yelp wouldn't let me rate my spankers online, so I've got them all listed in here.
This diary is filled with stories about all the spankings I'd like to have. Are you ready to fulfill one of my fantasies?
If you want me to write about you, you're going to have to give me a damned good spanking. Only the best are worthy of an entry.
You show me your's and I'll show you mine.
Dear Diary,
Daddy actually spanked my bare bottom today.
"Gracious me, that was the best spankin' ever. Fiddle dee dee how will I ever remember everything for my diary? I guess I'll just have to get another one. After all tomorrow is another day!"
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