Roz: Fun question Hermione, sadly I don't have a fun answer. The closest we would have come would be being surprised at marks still there from a previous spanking perhaps.
Prefectdt: You got me on that one Hermione. That has never happened to me either way around. But this question has inspired that evil, bratty part of my brain to start working again :)
I think that I will go and look around for some interesting temporary tattoos.
Rosco: I am one of those submissive men who is sometimes obsessed with being punished in a pair of sexy (silly?) panties.
Irene pretty quickly learned to enjoy spanking me - perhaps as much as I craved the “discipline”. But it took her awhile to appreciate seeing me in girly panties. She was never negative about it, but it was evident she didn’t really understand that obsession.
I don’t know that I’ve ever understood any of this stuff much either. But over time we’ve come to really enjoy giving each other pleasure so our sexuality is pretty much commingled - including the panty thing.
But anyway, there were a few times when I disrobed for a spanking, revealing some frilly pink lingerie - pretty much to her surprise. Irene would be less surprised today would quickly tease me about my panties as part of her pre-spanking lecture.
Wendel: I’ve taken the Misses’ panties down a few times to find temporary tattoos on her fanny. It took a moment to get the will to spank the teddy bears on her bottom but in the “end” she got her spanking.
Bonnie: I don't recall decorating my bottom before a spanking, but I have adorned it with a variety of colorful panties. One favorite pair had a red and white bullseye design on the seat. It didn't take Randy long to figure out what that meant!
Ronnie: No nothing, but I do keep meaning to use a temporary tattoo.
D: Playing with a partner with an open mind, the possibility are endless - A pair of sexy panties are always nice. Happy Spankings.
Barrel: Yep, panties here too. Fun, fun.
Hermione: I have applied washable tattoos to my bottom cheeks from time to time - and it isn't easy! I also put stickers on to celebrate special occasions like St.Patrick's Day or Valentine's Day. Needless to say, the stickers don't stay on long.
It's back to school today in many parts of the world, so keep smiling! Are you one of those parents who is doing a happy dance at the prospect?

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