There was a time when people used common sense to avoid injuring themselves. But now itr seems that we are too mentally deficient to know when something might hurt us. We need warning signs to explain the danger.
Probably need a sticker on the paddles. “May cause discomfort” or “Excessive use may cause pain” or "You're doing it right dumbass. Spankings are supposed to hurt"
Yes, some people are idiots but mostly some societies have become so litigious companies/organizations must state the obvious as a way to preempt lawsuits.
LoL Hermione, these are funny. Do people really need to be told?? LoL
That last one has me falling out of my chair laughing!
Probably need a sticker on the paddles. “May cause discomfort” or “Excessive use may cause pain” or "You're doing it right dumbass. Spankings are supposed to hurt"
Have a great weekend Hermione!
"Do not sit on fence" unless ordered to by a particularly evil disciplinarian :)
I love your Friday Fails. The last one made me laugh. Thanks.
Yes, some people are idiots but mostly some societies have become so litigious companies/organizations must state the obvious as a way to preempt lawsuits.
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