Fondles: I don't think there's really an "over". We spank for play (as well for reconnection, when needed) so sometimes when we've moved on to the "playing" part of the evening he'll throw in a spanking interlude just to spice things up midway. Or he could be fingering WHILE spanking, and so on. Basically it's easier to tell with a reconnection / reset spanking, cos when he's done he'll toss the implement aside (if using one), and there's usually a letting out of a deep breath with something like a "come here" as he pulls me in for a long deep cuddle.
Roz: No ritual as such. The actions that often signify the end of a spanking are Rick putting away the implement or more often than not grabbing my arm and pulling me up either for a cuddle or telling me to get on my knees lol.
Prefectdt: I do have a little post play ceremony that I like to perform, just to put a polite full stop to the interaction. After I have stood up I like to shake the hand of the Top or Domme, give a little nodding bow and thank them for the painful attentions that I have received.
Wendel: Sometimes we will announce when we are wrapping up a spanking. It is also noticeable because the spanker starts to slow down.
Anon 1: The final spanks are delivered with a stern warning that I better behave. I must respond with Yes Mommie.
Bonnie: The most common ending for us is one where Randy declares, "OK, you're done." If I respond with something other than, "Thank you, Sir," or a similar sentiment, then I am not done and onward we go.
Ronnie: It does depend on the type of spanking. Sometimes it's up you get and go about your business. Or other times it may be few more swats for you and then you are done.
Yorkie: No ritual. I can usually tell when enough is enough. Even though I’m the one being spanked I do the driving so it’s up to me to say “when”. Usually I feel I could go on all day but I find after a certain time my wife’s limits have been reached (never mine) and it’s time to wrap up.
Anon 2: The spanking ends when she states sternly, "Face that Wall young man". She enjoys seeing her work, I dread standing there, no rubbing, no talking.
Anon 3: I know when the spanking is about to end, my bare bottom is very warm and stinging and when my wife sternly ask will I be a good little boy, I must respond with Yes Mommie.
Bernie: There isn't really a ritual, other than my wife saying "You're done." I can usually tell it's coming, though, because I get quite a few really hard smacks in rapid succession. I do say thank you and give her a hug after I'm allowed to stand up.
Joe: No ritual; when my wife decides my bottom is red and hot enough we are done. Sometimes she will ask if I have had enough and usually the answer is yes. Once I daringly said no and the smacks came fast and furious and took my breath away.
Hermione: Ron usually quickens the pace, and the swats are harder. His usual coup de grace is a spritz of water from a bottle he keeps on his dresser. If, however, he intends to move on to more intimate activities, he will put down the paddle and caress my bottom.
Here is the signal that time is up for this week's brunch. Have a good week everyone!

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