Two weeks ago I showed you the
first page of a letter from Hilda to her college roommate. Hilda was in for a spanking, but had hidden the spanking ruler. Her dad told her to bring back either the ruler or her mom's hairbrush. What did Hilda do? There are so many possibilities! My first thought was along the lines of
what Wendel wrote.
KDPierre's second page was not something I had considered, but like him, I wanted to think outside the box. So here is my version of page two.
- 2 -
I decided to appeal to Dad's better nature. When the five minutes were up I returned to the study empty-handed and told him that I couldn't find the ruler or the hairbrush, and I was really sorry for missing curfew. I was going to spend the day at the beach with friends, but when I returned I would look really hard for the ruler.
Dad smiled and told me to sit down and wait for him in the study. I could hear Mom at the door, telling my friend Betsy I wasn't going anywhere that day because I was being punished. So I sat and waited.
An hour later Dad returned with a large package. When I saw the Kirkland label I knew he had been to Costco. Underneath the brand name was printed "Six of the Best". Dad tore open the plastic shrink wrap and six wooden rulers, each in a different colour, spilled out onto the desk.
Now we won't have to worry about missing rulers for a long, long time," Dad said cheerfully. "Pull down your shorts and bend over the desk. I need to test test them all." Since I was wearing a thong bikini under my clothes, I had no panties to protect me from ten swats from each of the six rulers. Boy, did I howl! But I learned my lesson. Obey the rules and no more lying.
So Carol, I'm writing this letter standing up, and gotta go now. I'm washing windows today, and tomorrow I'm cleaning out the garage. I can't wait to see you in September, and that's no lie!
Your reformed friend,
Hilda is now on her way back to college, sadder but wiser.
Hi Hermione,
I enjoyed reading the different endings and love your version. Ouch, I think Hilda definitely learnt a lesson!
Very good Heermione, nicely done. I did enjoy the different ending to Hilda's letter. The one from KDPierre was a fun alternative.
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