Yorkie: It’s more about my wife’s headspace rather than mine. I anticipate that EVERY spanking I am about to have is a serious spanking.
I suppose that both of us have to be on the same page but as far as I am concerned I need to make sure that my wife knows what I want and that she is up for making sure I get what I want/need/crave.
I’m not sure I’m making sense here but my wife is not a fan of spanking me but does it because she loves me and knows I want it (she’s a keeper) so that’s why I am more concerned, approaching playtime, she is in her proper headspace.
Simon: All my spankings are serious and I look forward to them immensely.
Roz: The apprehension and anticipation were the biggest factors for me when I knew any spanking was coming, regardless of how serious. I'm not sure I did anything as such to prepare mentally in advance.
Glenmoretales: I just want to get it over with but she loves to drag it out and take her sweet time , sometimes for days , with the occasional reminder that she hasn't forgotten!
Of course when it is time it's not long before I wish she had forgotten...
Rosco: The spankings I get from Irene are always intense but never severe. The first few swats from the two-tailed tawse are almost unbearable but then I settle in and don’t want it to stop. As long as there are no errant blows that strike my testicles or my far hipbone, I love every minute of a spanking.
But for a few days after a spanking, my bottom will be tender as it is just now.
The mental adjustment that can be tricky comes when I need to get my professional responsibilities out of my head. The spankings are generally great for putting me in the docile aroused subspace, but not always. Yesterday Irene thrashed me pretty good then tied me to the bed and instructed me to take a nap. I only dozed but when she finally returned I was in the other blissful world.
QBuzz: Mostly just looking forward to it... the only apprehension is that is won't be long or hard enough :D
Prefectdt: I don't struggle with apprehension, I revel in it. Feeling nervous, butterflies in the stomach and wild thoughts about what is to happen and can I handle it? This is all part of the spanking, for me, as much as the painful part itself.
Wendel: The Misses always spanks me with the paddle just before leaving for a “girls night out” evening. This is to ensure I behave while she is out. She will usually tell me a day or two in advance that she is going out. The Misses will never mention the paddling. It is just known it will happen. It is difficult to focus on anything but the upcoming spanking.
Jason: This past Friday had an new experience. Wife had me strip down and then tied me down with ass up on our bed. That was at 6 at 7. She popped in the room told me she forgot three of the ladies from the pta would be stopping in for a quick meeting. They were here an hour and i was sweating and aroused about the idea of being discovered all at the same time.
She was using the belt on my ass alone by 8:20
Barrel: I do struggle in advance of a serious session, despite my huge craving for it. I know it sounds (is?) like a total reversal...which it is. I yearn for serious thrashings almost weekly, yet our rhythm is quarterly. We usually plan a session two weeks in advance, and I think about the actions constantantly, including at night and on the road. Yet, when the day comes, I am apprehensive and reluctant. I am working to mentally prepare for the scene, which I crave, and welcome the sensations as a reward for the hours of mental torment.
Ronnie: Sometimes a little nervous with stomach butterflies and anticipation for me.
Hermione: When it's just a spanking and nothing more after, I am always ready. I have no anxiety and am eager to get on with it. But recently, we have regularly engaged in erotic activities afterward, and that takes a bit of preparation. In order to ensure that I enjoy a "happy ending" I read and reread spanking stories that will excite me. There is also a blog with captioned pictures that I very much enjoy.
Thank you all for joining in this interesting discussion!

I so enjoy these Spanko Brunch, especially hearing from others. My life is fullfilled because my wife is in charge, understands guidance is what I need. Spankings is how she insures I learn my lesson and she treats me like a naughty little boy. I must call her Mommie, always after a spanking face the wall, no matter who might drop in. So I was wondering if others have the same situation such as mine, or if I'm alone in this. My marriage is strong, financially we are well off and when retirement comes going to be looking good. I admit the spankings hurt, I feel very little, but my life is so much better. Just asking. Jack
Ooo could you share the address of the blog with the captioned pictures? Sounds like it must be good!
Jack- I.m so pleased that you enjoy our brunches together.
QBuzz - The blog is Discipline and the Modern Miss, and you'll find the link near the bottom of my blogroll. It hasn't been updated in over a year, but the content is still as fresh as ever:)
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