How has COVID-19 changed your life?
Baxter: I worked from home this past week. the big difference was my alarm not going off at 430am which then signals my climbing on the bus at 540am that connects with a train which arrives at Union Station at 650am and into my gray cubicle at 705am. So this week it was no alarm, sleeping until 615am and sitting with my company laptop at 705 am. I did not miss my coworker over the cubicle giving off with her conspiracy theories or bad news. I did not miss the unfriendly coworkers that don't say good morning or anything at all. It is now the weekend with a statewide shelter in place proclamation from the governor to go into place at 5pm today. It's ok because I can watch birds in the backyard from my kitchen table, I can read, I can work on my model railroad and we can always have sex and spankings. That is how life will be until April 7 at least. The unfortunate thing was that I was to have total knee replacement surgery on March 19, but it was cancelled as it was an elective surgery. Oh well, it will happen at some point. I hope that everyone on this blog stays safe and healthy. We will get through this, together.
Xen: My daughter got sick with an unknown flu-like virus about a week and a half before everything locked down here. My husband and I put a halt on harder spankings (for ME... we don’t spank the kids!!!) until we were sure we were both healthy, which we seem to be. I told him to lift that whenever he felt like it, and at this point I’m stressed enough that I am really needing/craving a good beating.
In terms of non kink life... we are luckier than most. My husband has a job he can do from home that isn’t likely to disappear anytime soon. We have some savings and are trying to do take-out and support local businesses remotely when we can. We have a good sized backyard where I can send the kids when they’re driving me insane. I’m in the US but our governor has had one of the more aggressive responses (which I’m glad of) so schools have been closed for a week and pretty much everything else closed soon after.
I have asthma so I am worried about myself, but I’m more worried about my parents and inlaws. I’m also very worried about many of my friends who’ve had to close down businesses, have lost jobs, or are likely to lose their jobs soon. One thing I do feel grateful for is that this thing isn’t really hitting kids... this would be unthinkably terrifying if it were targeting children like many illnesses do... as it is my main concern for them is some other kind of emergency happening when the hospitals hit peak overload.
Fred: I am hunkered down, not going out at all. I am doing some work from home. I have to be careful as I do have some medical issues that make me more vulnerable. Kinky stuff is completely on hold. But I do intend to write stuff for my much neglected blog. Stay safe everyone.
Nena: I live in the part of the Netherlands with the highest number of patients.
I still have to go to work. It is impossible to do my work from home and we are supposed to come to work unless we show symptoms. So my alarm still goes at 3.30, work starts at 5 and I get home between 11 and 12.
What I love is that my husband works from home now, so we can have lunch together when I get home and because he needs to get away from the computer every once in a while he usually has done some laundry or he unloaded the dishwasher by the time I get home.
The kids, both teenagers, don't have school, but our youngest has been home with depression and anxiety disorder for the past months, so no change there and the oldest had only one test left this year and than he was already supposed to have 6-7 weeks off till the final exams.
It's such a weird situation, things are scary, but at the same time, everything seems so surreal, like it's not really happening.
Since our youngest is always home, there hasn't been any kinky stuff going on for months. We just can't figure out how to make it work. But that has nothing to do with the virus.
morningstar: I've posted a couple of blogs about my anxiety over this Covid 19 - I'm slowly (I think and hope) getting a handle on it. Sir Steve can't work from home -- but thankfully he drives himself to and from work and there are only 6 employees in the office. Our town hasn't any cases yet which also helps to alleviate some of my anxiety.
On the bright side my girls have been in touch via Facebook messenger every day ... and my brother has scheduled a video chat tomorrow with me. I noticed the other day how quiet our town is... peacefully so..... though it is a bit eerie not to hear the cars roaring down the road. On the sunny days (what few we've had) I sit on our front deck and the few folks out walking smile and say 'hi' -- there's a part of me that hopes this neighbourliness continues once this is over.
As for kinky activities we haven't had the lil one this week (and next) so we have had some nice adult times...
Hoping everyone stays well and safe.
Roz: The biggest impacts for me so far are friends being in self isolation due to travel, visiting Dad. The apartments he lives in have restricted visitors to close family only and only between certain times. We would normally go out for lunch too, which we will no longer be doing (they haven't closed restaurants and cafes yet, but numbers are restricted).
Shopping is also a huge frustration. The shelves are still empty...of everything!
Work wise, at the moment we aren't set up to work from home which means I still take the train to work, however they have banned cash and may put in measures to try and keep people separated. My organisation also plays a big part in the covid response, so the situation at work is a bit fluid and we could end up being deployed to different jobs than our usual job.
Doug: My daughter and her son went grocery shopping for us tonight, and, to her surprise, the store was practically empty of customers and she found everything on the shopping list, including hand sanitizers. So, perhaps hoarding is slowing down.
On the kinky side, my wife and I are completely alone during this corona crisis, thus making it easy for her to paddle me twice a week, as scheduled. Something I enjoy a great deal despite the moderate pain.
Wendel: We both have the ability to work from home. The spankings and sex have actually increased as a result. I have to stand as I write this because of the paddling I received an hour ago. The Misses does video meetings from her laptop which made for a few good paddlings for her prior to the meetings. It is fun to see her try to sit and be serious on a video call when her bottom is burning and sore. Wonder if the the people on the other end notice anything different about her.
QBuzz: Obviously it's difficult for everyone, but I always like to put a positive spin on things, and me and my girlfriend are very much looking forward to much spanking and other 'sexual harassment' going on (in both directions) while we're both working from home... the only problem is deciding who gets to be the boss and who gets to be the secretary/assistant :D
1 - My last two opportunities to get a spanking both got scuppered by the present situation and it looks like I will not get another chance for some time. It has been many months since I have had a good bottom warming and am now feeling decidedly pain slutty.
2 - My working week has been reduced to 2 days next week.
3 - The shops in my region have successfully restocked, so that's one good thing.
4 - I am hoping that this will be a psychological kick in the ass to the whole world and that every one realizes that we have to find real solutions to real problems and stop listening to extremists and populists.
5 - I have to do something about my recent compulsion to write everything as lists.
Bonnie: We're doing OK, maybe better than most because we have each other so we're not entirely alone. We are working from home and with a bit of adaptation, it's satisfactory. No-bra Wednesdays have rapidly spread to other days of the week and the only dressing up I do is for Randy.
Speaking of which, we have shortened the interval between spankings. What once were weekly appointments can now happen at almost any time. I find that the anxiety reducing properties of a small lexan paddle, when applied vigorously to the skin of the buttocks, are extremely effective. I'm still ouchy from last night and that makes me smile every time I sit down.
So, yeah, we're doing all right so far.
Barrel: I moved my office home on Tuesday and now work from our dining room table. By moving everything, I also brought my freestanding camera as we are now doing a lot of video conferencing. I’ve been thinking how to use that camera on my personal computer to video our next session so I can see what it is like from the delivery side. My wife has been telling me I need a session...maybe due to the constant closeness?
These are crazy times. Be well. Cheers!
Abby: I'm so happy to see this brunch is still happening! I've been trying to get to it all morning but the dogs suddenly required baths - don't ask. Hello Hermione, Bonnie, Prefectdt (I think it's been about a decade since I've said hi), and everyone!
So far we're doing well - I'm back on my blog as of last night and Mr. W is busy crafting spanking paddles. So far, it is a kinky quarantine. My adult stepson has lived with us for the last five years, but on Friday he temporarily moved in with his girlfriend's family for quarantine while she's home from college. It only took the end of the world, but we got our house and our kinky lives back! We're feeling fortunate right now, though there's also the fear that it's just the calm before the storm.
Hope everyone is able to stay mentally and physically well during these times.
Sam: As I write this, I am sitting on a pillow. After a week of both of us working from home,
I was getting more and more cranky. Beth said strip and within a few minutes she took
the paddle to my bottom and brought it to what she calls "the shade of red that
indicates she has done a good job.
Prepared breakfast in only an apron. Humiliating to feel a paddle now and then as
I set the table. Off to corner time.
Ronnie: We're doing OK. Thankfully spankings are still happening.
Shopping is a big frustration. I can't believe the selfishness of people stockpiling. They should be shamed. Pubs, cafes, leisure centres and gyms are closed. Our over 70's have been told to stay at home for 12 weeks and in the next few days 1.5 million people with underlying health issues will be getting a letter advising them to stay at home for 12 weeks. Our neighbours are over 80 so I keep checking in on them to make sure they have everything they need.
Hermione: We are both retired so our regular routine has changed little, except that we no longer go mall walking for exercise when the weather is bad. We are relatively safe - only five cases here so far - but schools, stores, churches, restaurants and theatres are closed. I go out for supplies as Ron is more at risk than I am since he is a few years older. Everything seems to be available except toilet paper and hand sanitizer. My only social outlet is singing in a choir, and that too is on hold right now. I am very thankful that I had my second cataract surgery before all elective surgery was cancelled.
Spanking goes on as usual; no need to stop that, right? It's a merciful distraction and lets me have something else on my mind for a little while.
Be safe, everyone, and keep your distance:)
Can't find toilet paper? Here are some alternatives.

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