What are you thankful for? Tell us something good that has happened to you, and let us know how you are feeling.
Fred: I am in a bad way, depressed and unhappy. The whole world and the United
Kingdom in particular has gone start raving mad. It's not all bad. I am
in France visiting some friends, the last hurrah before Brexit makes
this journey difficult. When I get home, after isolating, I will spend
the winter with my lover. Stay safe everyone. It's always darkest before
the dawn.
Alan: You should be MOST thankful that you live in Canada where your federal
and provincials governments have mostly done a commendable job
protecting you from the virus rather than in the states where our
federal government has utterly failed.
Roz: Happy Thanksgiving Hermione! I'm so sorry you are unable to celebrate with family.
am most thankful at the moment to be living in New Zealand and that our
Government stepped in early to prevent the virus taking hold. We
recently had a minor blip and were under a low level of restrictions
again but are now again under no restrictions.
Dan: Hi Hermione. Sorry your Thanksgiving must be isolated this year. I feel
the same way about our Halloween here in the US. For the first time in
a long time, I have time to enjoy it and won't be traveling, but kids
"trick or treating" won't be happening nor will costume parties, etc.
In any event, what do I have to feel thankful for:
-- While friends and family members have contracted the virus, none have gotten seriously ill.
-- We expected our business to tank, but everyone has adapted surprisingly well to remote working.
-- While I'm spending less time with extended family and friends, there has been more time with immediate family.
-- With more time on my hands, I've rediscovered reading for pleasure.
-- I seem to be the only guy I know who has *lost* weight during the shutdown.
-- I've had lots more nice walks with the dogs.
-- When we do go out to restaurants, it is much faster to get in.
Baxter: I agree with many things Dan said above. In mid March, my company sent
us home to work remotely and that was excellent because I was commuting
via bus and train, packed in with a lot of people. Thankfully, that
happened and I did not get the virus nor did I bring it home to my wife.
But then I was laid off in mid April, but with complete company
benefits. I was considering early retirement so the layoff was AOK with
me. Since then, my wife and I have been wearing masks at all stores and
social distancing by going camping so far 32 nights this year in three
midwestern states. We have been successfull in not getting the virus and
that is important for two people in their 60s with comorbidities. Very
thankful. I have read at least 30 novels since being laid off. And I
have lost 22 pounds due to diet and exercise with another 10 or so to
go. And I am getting spanked more often and that is definitely good.
Willie: We too live in a hotspot and B's business has had to shut down again. I
am thankful that this time, at least for the next 28 days, B was not
laid off.
I'm also thankful that the sun will be shining this
weekend so I can spend more time outside while the leaves are still
colourful and plentiful.
Like Baxter and his wife B and I did a
lot of camping this summer (some of this time while he was laid off) and
recently lost 9 lb that I gained during the first half of this
pandemic. More to go however.
Wendel: I am thankful for my wonderful little Misses. She has a warm heart and
sometimes a warm bottom (giggle). I am thankful that we have essential
jobs that can be worked from home. I am thankful for all the people that
treat the sick, keep us safe, pack the meat, make the toilet paper,
stock the grocery stores and cook food for us to pick up curbside.
Finally, I am thankful for this wonderful blog called "Hermione's Heart"
which puts a smile on my face whenever I read it. Thanks Hermione. Stay
Liza: I'm thankful that my family and friends are well.
I'm sorry you won't be able to celebrate Thanksgiving with your family but I hope you and Ron will have a happy day.
Rich Person: Happy Thanksgiving, Hermione. I'm thankful I found this great community
where I can visit with like-minded friends online. Also, I'm thankful
for a safe home. I hope the coming year will see improvements. I keep
that future where we can see each other freely in my vision. Let's get
there soon.
Prefectdt: Happy Thanksgiving Hermione.
I am thankful that I had the
opportunity to enjoy a play date this year, although a second one fell
through, I hope to get a chance for a pay to play before the year is
out. that would be good.
I am thankful that my family seems to be
in good health and that the two members that did contract Covid 19 seem
to have recovered well and did not require hospitalization.
I am so so thankful that I had the opportunity to have two vacations this year, I did not think that was going to happen.
emotions right now - I would not say depressed but definitely down in
the mouth. This was because of the realization that the annual Christmas
trip to see the family in the UK was not possible and it will be
Christmas alone this year.
Rosco: Irene and I especially miss our two sons and grandkids who live on the
other coast. Other than that, we’re doing ok waiting for a vaccine, the
election, the race war and the wildfires - hoping things will get
But we’re healthy, eating well etc. And every so often we
have a tête-à-tête wherein there’s nothing else in the world except her
feminine charms to distract me as I descend into pure bliss for an hour
or two.
Barrel: It is sad not to share the holiday(s) with family as we normally do.
But I agree with WendelJones, that these weekly gatherings with a unique
family are a reason to be grateful. I am thankful to participate in a
patient, kind and welcoming group for brunch where I learn and share
with like-minded folks across the globe.
Personally, I am
grateful to be working from home and with my wife 24/7. This has been a
great exposure to what retirement feels like as I hope to take that
step next year.
Magenta: Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy one another. Seeing family and friends again
in the flesh is something to look forward to, something to keep us
focused on a safer, HAPPIER future!
Graham: On a personal level, my wife and I have much to be thankful for, as do almost all of our friends.
said, we don't live apart from the ugliness going on in the wider
community. In addition to the virus, so many trends are bad. Not the
least is watching democracy in retreat across the world. Once lost,
it's hard to regain.
Perhaps even more disappointing is the
refusal (in the USA, at particular) to respect the wonderful environment
we were given on this planet. We continue to degrade it at an alarming
rate, mostly to make a handful of people incredibly rich.
I could go on, but that's probably more than enough for a blog like this, but you did ask.
Best regards to you and yours. Stay safe and enjoy as much of life as you can.
Minelle: I am a glass half full kind of person. It’s a bit hard lately as I am
remote teaching due to exposure x2. I am thankful I still have a job and
a great deal of support!
As to fun, we were gathering with family
outside (social distancing) for a drink around lovely fires but since we
await a serious medical surgery for hubby soooooo..... We quarantine but
are still trying to stay upbeat! :)
Bonnie: I am very fortunate, so I have a lengthy list. But I will try to be concise.
am grateful first for my husband who is my partner, best friend, and
fellow explorer. I am thankful for our brilliant daughter and our
clever, funny, beautiful granddaughter.
I am grateful for my
friends, who I no longer divide into real life and virtual because they
are now all the latter. I am grateful for the privilege of having jobs
where we can work from home. I am also grateful for the technology that
allows us to maintain some degree of normality.
It was a horrible summer in our town, but we are watching the horizon for the sunrise of better days.
Hermione: I am thankful that Ron and I are in good health and have not succumbed to the dreaded covid; our public health department has done an outstanding job. When I am at the computer, I love to look out the window and see squirrels, chipmunks and assorted birds enjoying the peanuts and seeds I put out for them. I'm happy to be able to help my elderly neighbour by picking up groceries for her when I go shopping.
Generally, I'm at peace, although I confess that regular spankings have a lot to do with that! Since we are both retired, the self-isolation precautions haven't altered our routines much. But the situation in the U.S. is scaring me, and it can only get worse once the election is over.
I am very thankful for my wonderful virtual friends, who visit me regularly via this blog, and give me strength and support.
Stay safe, dear friends!