Saturday, November 21, 2020

We Love our Lurkers

It's day one of our annual Love our Lurkers celebration. I can't believe we have been doing this for 15 years.

If you are a silent reader who has never dared to leave a comment, now is your chance. I know you're out there, so don't be shy! You are among friends here. You may remain anonymous if you wish, or use a pen name. What should you say? That's entirely up to you.  "Hello" is fine. I would love to know what your favourite spanking position is.

If you're a blogger and want to jump in and take part, please leave a comment below so I can link your blog too. It's never too late to join us.

Scroll down to see the alphabetical list of blogs participating in this year's Love our Lurkers festivities. These bloggers all want to hear from you, so please pay them a visit.

Who Loves our Lurkers?

Cassie's Space

Collected Submissions

Consensual Spanking

Erica Scott

Everyday Spankings 

Heart and Soul

James Stephenson's Blog  

Ludwig's Rohrstock-Palast

My Bottom Smarts

My Breath

New Beginnings

Pervy Fun


Spankedhortic II

Spanking Minnesota 

The Continued Journey

From Hermione's Heart


Dr. Ken said...

Hermione--I'll be joining the LOL Days. Please link to my blog, as well--unless you want a spanking! :-)

ronnie said...

Hermione - no lurker here, just a long time loyal readers.


Roz said...

Happy LoL day Hermione! Wow, has ig really been 15 years?

Thank you for organising this wonderful event again and the for everything you do for blogland.


Enzo said...

Hi Hermione - Happy LOL Day!
My LOL post is now live so feel free to link to it.

And to repeat what was Roz said (because she is right) thank you once more for organizing this event and for all you do for the spanking blogger community.


Hermione said...

Dr Ken - I've added your link, although I can't say that I wouldn't want a spanking.

Ronnie - Likewise, my friend.

Roz - Time sure flies when we're having fun.

Enzo - Your link is up. Thank you for your help this year.


Anonymous said...


I'm here !


Hermione said...

Hi Boru. Thanks for stopping by.


Barrel said...

In such a strange year with so much tension and division, why not join this blog where I have found civility, respect, encouragement and comfort for several years. Come on, Lurkers, join Hermione’s blogland family,

Hermione, thank you for being you.



Anonymous said...

Hermione: I always enjoy reading your blog, and I am quite certain you enjoy creating it and keeping it fun to read. . Thank you for organizing this LOL event.
Ron should give you a nice reward spanking for all your efforts on behalf of the spanking community.
bottoms up

Anonymous said...

Happy LOL-Day, Hermione. I see you've added my blog even though my approach is a bit less.....kind than yours and others. Lurkers who visit may be in for a bit of a surprise.......kind of like heeding a call to the bedroom in anticipation of some fun and getting a punishment spanking instead. LOL. Of course NEW visitors are always a treat, and hopefully they stick around and become thanks for the link!

(Also, congratulations on your 2020 Spooner!)

PK said...

Thanks for helping to keep all this going. I hope many of our quiet readers some talk to us.

Fred said...

Happy LOL Day,
Thanks for organizing this event.

morningstar said...

waving 'hello' from down the highway I think (grinning)

To answer your question about Quebec pizza - my first ever Ontario pizza was such a disappointment - they put the cheese on the bottom!!??? AND OMG did someone ration cheese???!!! The toppings were on top (which I guess makes some sense if you're very literal) Now more pizza places are adding the cheese last so that it melts over all those yummy toppings.......... BUT there is still something not quite the same - I am thinking it is the pepperoni... the flavour is different.

Happy LOL day !

Anonymous said...

Hi, I stop by your blog everyday. I really enjoy the weekend brunches. I learn a lot. I wish you would post more about your own spanking experiences, but I really appreciate all the hard work you do for the spanking community. You are the best!

Eddie said...

Hi Hermione,
I love your Blog.I visit often.
Keep up the good work.!!
Eddie-a lurker from Ireland.

Ludwig said...

Dear Hermione, thank you for organising LOL Day again this year. Kaelah and I are happy to participate, as always, and have just published our LOL Day post.

It's a special occasion for us since we first "met" online on LOL Day 2008, when I was writeing the blog on my own and Kaelah left a comment. Fast forward twelve years, and we are now married and have children. It is quite an amazing story, really

Today, kink isn’t as important to us as it used to be. There usually isn’t any time for it, what with the responsibilities of parenthood, and besides, we already had our fair share of adventures in the first couple of years when we were together. But we keep the blog going, and of course, we still love to hear from our "delurkers".

Have a great LOL Day, everyone!


Hope everything goes well. Happy LOL Day.


Bonnie said...

Hi Hermione,

Happy LoL Day! I love my lurkers too.

Thanks for guiding our favorite spanko holiday.

Virtual hugs,

Erica Scott said...

(waving at Hermione) Happy LOL Day, and thanks for all your efforts! :-)

Anonymous said...

Read you every day. Keep it up.

Minielle Labraun said...

Hi Hermione, thank you for organizing LOL day! I’m so thankful you keep organizing for us! Love reading here.

Peaches Heart said...

Hi an everyday reader. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Lurker here. Thanks for your blog!

Hermione said...

Barrel - I couldn't be anyone else!

Red - I'll make that suggestion later today.

KDPierre - Everyone is welcome to join in, and I'm glad you did.

PK - They are coming out of the woodwork.

Fred - It's my pleasure!

Morningstar - I always put the cheese on last, but our favourite pizzeria puts it on the bottom. Either way it's delish!

Anon 1 - Thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep it in mind.

Eddie - I'll do my best.

Ludwig - I love the story of how you two met. Thanks for stopping by.

Prefectdt - Right back at you!

Bonnie - It's a labour of love.

Erica - Glad you stopped by. Your link is up.

Anon 2 - I certainly intend to.

Minielle - Thank you, that's so sweet of you to say.

Peaches - It's my pleasure.

Anon 3 - You are very welcome.


Joe said...

Hi Hermione, I am a loyal reader but an occasional poster Thank you so much for your great blogs and all you do. Joe

selkie said...

Read all the time but bad a commenting but enjoy your blogs very much!

Alice said...

Hi Hermione,
I am a long term lurker. I enjoy the brunch topics and get a good laugh at the Friday fails. Thanks for organising this day with the nudge to comment. Who knows I might do it again!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for all you do. Your blog is constant for me.

- Pepe

Kaelah said...

A belated Happy LOL-Day to you, Hermione! Thanks a lot for organising that very special day. :-)
I've realised that your link to Erica Scott's post seems to have been overwritten by the link to New Beginnings, so I just wanted to let you know.
Stay safe and healthy in these strange times!

ronnie said...

A very belated LOL Day, Hermione.

Thank you for carrying on this tradition and the hard work you do to make this day a success.


Belinda KrĂĽger said...

Hallo! :)

Well, I can't say, I'm newby in spanking, but I still don't know all these spankos internet community nice (and naughty) traditions :)

But yes, usually I'm a silent lurker, since I'm always not sure which comment would be acceptable :)

Best wishes :)

Hermione said...

Joe - you are very welcome.

Selkie - I'm glad you enjoy my blog.

Alice - Please feel free to leave a comment anytime.

Pepe - It's lovely to finally meet you!

Kaelah - Oops! Thank you for catching that error.

Ronnie - I couldn't do it alone. Thank you for your expert assistance.

Belinda - Any comment that isn't intentionally malicious or unkind is always welcome.
