How can you tell when a picture, video of story is fake?
Anon 1: Interesting question. I look for both legs either kicking straight up or
straight out stiffly at the same time, and sniffling as signs it is
likely (at least at that moment) real.
Tears can be faked; spankers can have makeup on hands to transfer color. But IMO the above two things are generally authentic.
Roz: Lovely cake Hermione, I still can't believe it. So many changes now.
for the question, very good question. I'm not sure really, I tend to
think of them all as fake lol. I think fake ones do end up giving
themselves away.
Wendel: I work in the movie industry with sets, lighting and camera rigs. Then I
see what these people do with the SFX. We can fake just about anything.
What I do like to see is the woman’s untouched bare bottom turning red
from the first smack to the last. The spanking itself is probably not
fake but whether or not the spankee’s tears are truly real is anyone’s
guess. Could just be good acting.
I love reading the stories. I do not care if they are real encounters or fantasy.
Rosco: I love it when you can’t tell if a story is true. These are usually first time or unexpected spanking encounters.
I haven’t written much (may someday) but the stories in my head are fantastical extrapolations of real experiences.
wonder about some people, mostly men, who write about the harsh
treatment they get from their dominant wives. I’m submissive in the
bedroom for a few hours a week but it’s certainly not a lifestyle. Are
there really men who like being denied orgasm and having the private
parts locked in a cage for weeks or months? It seems unlikely but I
don’t really know.
Alan: I think we see very few real disciplinary spankings. Even if both
parties are involved in administering or accepting a real spanking, the
camera subtly and not so subtly changes behavior. We become performers.
There are some semi real DD videos available but even with these my
sense if the camera is turned off or it is edited before it’s over.
Having said all this I will add that if you are an experienced spanko
you probably can intuit a real spanking (or part of one) when you see
it. But they are rare.
One of my favorite rants re
spanking videos is the lack of scolding or almost any dialogue
is so many of them. That’s not the real way most disciplinary spanking
are given and it also makes for a mediocre video if it doesn’t include
dialogue of some kind. Even if the scolding precedes the actual spanking
it should be shown before the spanking. A spanking without verbal
interaction is just one person hitting another person.
Dan: With videos, obviously by their nature almost all are staged. But, in
terms of whether the spanking in it is a "real" spanking, what often
gives away the "fake" ones is the sound. The sound of the swats often
is out of sync with the visual of the instrument coming down.
stories, one big tip-off that it's fiction is lots of tears coming
easily during a hand spanking or after just a few swats with a hair
Anon 2: I do not really care if a spanking either viewed or read is real as long
as it is done well. Some of my favorite spanking stories are so over
the top that they could never be real, but it is still fun to read and
dream about them.
A.J.: I thinks it is pretty easy for all of us to look at a "smack" and compare it to a "SWAT!!!"
But the real killer to me is the forced dialogue. On both sides of the lap.
Bonnie: I define content as fake if it is false but presented as true. This
definition excludes fictional writing and photos are that clearly photo
edited, as used in a meme. It also excludes models presented as high
school cheerleaders with big tattoos. Every video viewer should know
that spanking models are not high school cheerleaders and high school
cheerleaders are not spanking models. Fake, for me, requires deliberate
For photos, I look for brilliant red marks on
supposedly spanked bottoms. I know there are lots of natural crimson
hues that appear under such circumstances, but bright florescent red
isn’t among them. I also look at the boundary between the spanked flesh
and the unspanked flesh nearby. An abrupt transition suggests
graphical modification.
In videos, we’ve seen several dumb tricks
like using a gate audio effect to make swats sound more epic. Another
is showing the same swats delivered more than once but from different
angles. Spankee vocalizations are a give away. Then there is acting.
When a spankee shrieks during a moderate hand spanking as though she
were sustaining permanent damage, that seems pretty fake. The biggest
giveaway, though, is when the rouge used to make the spankee's bottom
appear red gets all.
When we consume spanking media, we expect spankings. That’s not too much to ask.
Prefectdt: Wow! I was pretty impressed by Bonnie's rant about this.
Mostly I
watch spanking videos. It would be possible to fake spankings in these,
with GCI, but this would cost a lot of cash and time. Most spanking
videos are made on a very limited budget, they do not come from major
studios and the most financially effective way of making these are to
carry out an actual spanking. So I just tend to presume that a real
spanking has taken place. As for musings on the settings and stories,
see Bonnie's comment.
On a note of curiosity. I was a Member of
Firm Hand Spanking, for a time, and noticed that in the videos
originating from the USA, the performers did not seem to show much
marking from previous spankings that they must have had on the same
day. Then I saw a between shoots video, showing a performer having
makeup applied to her rear end to hide spanking marks, before her next
scene. So there, the unspanked bottoms were sometimes false.
KDPierre: Ah, a subject near and dear to me. I suppose I could list all sorts of
red flags, many of which have already been mentioned, but the REAL
litmus test? Easy. "If it looks, sounds, reads, etc. as too good to be
true, it probably is fake."
For photos, I have always said,
'right click it, Google search image, and look for the original'. I
can't tell you how many classic spanking photos feature people who were
originally shot with pristine bottoms!
Just as an added, quick list of red flags though:
-if nothing ever goes wrong in a story, it's probably fake
-remember ALL spanking photos are staged by their very nature. (someone set up that camera or is holding it)
the actual spanking may be 'real' (meaning real butts were actually hit
with some force) very few of in-the-moment spankings get photographed
by regular people living a disciplinary lifestyle.
Yes Rosco,
men DO actually do these things with their wives. I certainly do,
and given my aches and pains from arthritis etc. I believe I'm real.
Hermione: In photos, the giveaway is the spanker using the wrong hand in an otk spanking. I don't watch videos, but I do recall one that featured a close-up of the spankee's face after each of ten swats.That was real!
I regularly read stories that are supposedly real life memories of spankings. Most of them are school or domestic stories, and they seem real enough given the time period in which they took place. The ones I think are fake consist of half hour or longer spankings. Nobody spanks that long without a break (or do they?)
The photo above, which is NOT fake, is of a tiffin, which was Queen Elizabeth's favourite cake.