This week we discussed spankings that result in tears.
Anon 1: It was never a goal, but I did bring an ex spankee to tears twice. The
first time as she thought she was a tough spankee (years of exp), who
had never been full force traditionally spanked although she only found
out later spankers were holding back before me, so her first true
spanking from me did have her losing her composure a few times. I paused
so she could bounce back, with her staying bare bottomed, over my knee
of course, and the lines I had her reciting while counting aloud in
retrospect also added to her emotional reaction.
The second set
of tears was due to the use of a special, large paddle as she had been
disrespectful to Sir on a prior visit. I was happy not to have to use it
again. It was fairly long and quite impactful, although certainly less
lengthy than a sorority paddle. This time, after a few dozen swats, she
was blubbering for several minutes. That is when I decided she would
never be disrespectful again and ended the paddling. Four hours later,
sitting by Long Island Sound, after ten minutes on a wooden park bench,
she shot up when standing as if fired from a cannon.
Bonnie: Ever in our case is a really long time. It's happened, but seldom. I'm
the kind who sobs at the movies when the dog dies. But pain on my
butt? Not so much.
Those rare times when I do cry is not due to
the pain (though it always hurts). It's most likely because of a sudden
release of tension I didn't fully realize I was holding back. Getting
one of those serious spankings opens my emotional vault and
occasionally, more spills out of there than I expect. Fortunately,
Randy knows to keep spanking until I relax and then hold me tight.
Wendel: There have been a few occasions when the Misses got up from her spanking with a tear or two, not crying, in the eye. The tear makes her look even sexier that she already is.
Roz: There have been times I wanted to cry as an emotional release but haven't. I don't usually cry from a spanking but it has happened on the rare occasion.
Prefectdt: From a spanking itself, I have never really cried, yet. But afterwards, if I am put into corner time and left alone, this has had me blubbing like a baby on several occasions. I think it is because after having been, intensely, at the centre of someone else's attention, I just feel so abandoned and alone. This does not happen with those corner times when the Spanker stays close and talks to or scolds me.
Jack: I recall the first time my wife (my gf at the time) made me cry. We were staying at her Mother's, she lived in another city, meet and greet situation. We had been together long enough that spankings were applied if I messed up and something we both agreed to. A couple of days into the visit I messed up, I stepped out of the shower, my gf standing there, watched as I dried off, and then said get to the bedroom. Well I was soon over her lap, her hairbrush being applied hard and fast and soon I could not help it, I was squirming, kicking, crying, pleading for her to stop.
Anon 2: I am a sissy submissive to my wife/mistress. She firmly believes that the spanking doesn't start until the tears start. Every spanking, whether it's with the paddle, strap or cane ends in me crying like a little girl. Very humiliating,especially if someone else is present to watch the spanking.
Dan: Somewhat frustratingly, no. I've always found the possibility morbidly fascinating, but so far it hasn't happened, and we've been at domestic discipline for almost 20 years.
Barrel: I have never cried during or after a spanking. Could be because my wife usually stops the spanking when she has achieved the look she desires on my backside and that is short of what I think would make me cry. But she is gradually upping her desired outcome, so we will see.
Rosco: No.
When I get spanked I whine. I whimper. I complain. I submit. Sometimes I’m required to say I deserve it and thank my mistress.
never cried. It would be interesting if I did. But all our such
activities are role play. I get as deep as I can into fantasyland but I
guess I know it’s not real.
A.J.: Tears come from emotion, not from a spanked and sore bottom.
On the receiving side of the lap I have never cried.
On the giving side of the lap I have never spanked a woman to tears and don't want to. After,
who wants to cuddle up with a woman with tears falling down her face,
mascara going everywhere, hair a mess, and that awful crying? Besides
that view, how could she be any good in the sack after, amiright?
Hermione: I've never cried during a spanking, and here's why. What circumstances might cause me to cry?
Humiliation. If I were to be spanked in front of another person, or otherwise humiliated, I might cry.
Helplessness. If I felt I had no control over the spanking and it was going in direction I didn't like, I might cry out of frustration or fear.
Pain. If the spanking was too severe, it might lead to tears.
None of this has been true for us, and I don't expect that to change, so all spankings are definitely tear-free.
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine