Monday, August 26, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 25

This week we contemplated the merits of pickle ball paddles.

Donn: I have no personal knowledge, as all of our paddles were professionally made for paddling (butts).

My general feeling is that most pro butt paddles are both heavier and much smoother than sports paddles. Heavier would generally mean less sting (compared to deeper thud), while smoother might tends to increase sting (for a comparable level of friction/abrasion).

Just my theoretical speculation. (I don't intend to buy a sports paddle for experimentation.)

Bonnie: Yes, we had to try one. The nature of the sport is such that the heavy paddles we prefer for spanking would be difficult to swing quickly enough to smack a speeding pickle. So those paddles tend to be thinner and lighter by necessity.

But like smaller ping pong paddles, they are usable for disciplinary purposes. When delivered in rapid fire fashion, this paddle can produce considerable.sting and redness. It has found a place in our toy chest.

Dan: We haven't, but I did buy my wife a necklace that has a pickle ball paddle-shaped pendant. It seemed like something she could wear that would look innocent but would have a secret meaning to just the two of us.

Wendel: We have no experience with pickle ball or the paddles. I did see one coated in carbon fiber. Guessing that probably packs a good wallop. Doubtful will invest in one.

Roz: Interesting questions. We haven't tried a pickle ball, or other sports paddle, but I imagine they can produce a good sting.

Prefectdt: I had to search Pickle Ball, as I had never heard of it. I found only one club and one location where it is played regularly in Belgium. As I have never seen a Pickle Ball Paddle, I will reserve my opinion for the present. I would happily try being spanked with one, should the opportunity arise.

S: Thank you again for hosting this wonderful brunch and using my question. I do not have any experience playing pickle ball but I am intrigued by the idea of so many paddles. I do not think my wife would like to be bent over on the court in front of me. She would know it would be more of a temptation then I could resist.

Hermione: We haven't tried one of these paddles, although the game is really popular here. We make do with a ping pong (table tennis) paddle, and it works very well.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #554

Wow! That week went by quickly, and so it's time for another discussion. Our good friend S suggested this week's topic.

With the rise in popularity of pickle ball, there are a lot more paddles around. Have you or your partner utilized a pickle ball paddle to give or receive a spanking? Is there a difference in the sting level of an expensive paddle made of exotic material versus a cheap paddle made of wood?

Please leave your response as a comment, and when everyone has had a chance to speak, I'll publish a summary of our discussion.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, August 19, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 18

This week we discussed preventing skin problems on the nether regions.

Roz: Interesting question. The only thing we have used is some arnica cream post spanking on the rare occasion to help with bruising.

Barrel: We have not. But an interesting thought.

S: I like to keep a bottle of aloe in the refrigerator. It can be applied to the naughty bottom pre, post or during a spanking.In addition to moisturizing the skin, it also makes the target sticky which increases the sting factor.

Prefectdt: Every day, my back bumps get a dose of skin lotion, except on days when I am going to get spanked. Nothing expensive, just standard stuff. It seems to help keep the fellas in good order. After a good spanking, the first thing that goes on is alcohol gel (not pleasant, but it puts my mind at rest about micro abrasions) and after that skin lotion again. But now it goes on three times a day, until the marks and any hardness has gone. I find that creams and lotions just before a spanking seem to do more harm than good.

Wendel: We do not use anything before spankings. They are hard enough.

Ronnie: On the odd occasion we've used arnica. Never tried it or any other lotions before a spanking.

Hermione: I use a daily moisturiser on my bottom each morning after a shower, to keep the skin soft and to reduce any residual hardness from a spanking.    

Donn: My wife directs me apply a 50:50 mixture of White Mineral Oil (USP) and CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion to my butt if she has decided to cane me. She has me personally apply it and rub it in about one hour before the she starts with the cane. (This is the only time she requires a moisturizer, so her directive is a forewarning I can soon expect very serious discipline.)

I take several blood thinners, so I have a tendency to bleed from even slight abrasions or tears. My wife has found that a good moisturizing before a caning strongly reduces such damage. Particularly reduces such damage and bleeding from where multiple strokes of the cane overlap one another; basically, damage from compound weals, one weal overlaying another weal.

We don't used any aftercare lotions to ease the pain or hasten healing. However, my wife does insist that she spray my butt with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol after all thrashings that have caused any abrasions, cuts or tears, to make ensure there is little chance for an infection to start. (Similarly, I'm required to clean and then sanitize all of her implements with either alcohol or dilute hypochlorite (bleach) solutions for the same reason.)

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #553

Welcome, one and all, to our weekly brunch. Inspired by last week's topic, a reader suggested this week's.

Have you ever used lotion, creme or oil on the buttocks to reduce the tendency for skin to excessively abrade, stretch and split, blister, and otherwise suffer physical damage that might limit the duration of a spanking?

Please leave your response as a comment, and when everyone has had a chance to speak, I'll publish a summary of our discussion.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Cartoon Fun

A bit of bum-related levity to start (or end) your day.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, August 12, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 11

Have you ever used anything like capsaicin to enhance your spankings?

Donn: No, we have never used any embrocation creams (e.g., capsaicin, "tiger balm(R)," etc. . .) to simulate the heat of a spanking.

We have used capsaicin concentrates for other, punishment, purposes, but capsaicin usually needs to be applied to mucus membranes or other sensitive skin to have truly punishing effect.

However, it is an interesting question: Since capsaicin drastically lowers the temperature threshold at which pain neurons fire, and spanking/paddling/thrashing dramatically raises skin temperature (through both mechanical-friction-impact action, and capillary dilation), the combination of heated-skin + capsaicin could be quite intense. A simple butt roasting with a hairbrush might feel like someone is applying a blowtorch, an even hotter strapping or paddlin" might feel like someone is applying molten lava.

I think it would be good idea to go very slowly in any experiments applying embrocation creams to areas subject to spanking / external-heating. (Do we have any spanko/capsaicin-test dummies in our audience? Of course, for "data collection," solely for "scientific purposes" ;- ).

Dan: I've never tried it, but I would probably be interested in it to the extent prolonged the after-effects of a hard spanking.

Bonnie: Yes, but I'm not a fan. It's just not the same.

There are some types of lotion that can increase skin sensitivity before a spanking. That has happened.

Rob Allen: Never done it, but would consider it if a partner wanted it.

Wendel: We have tried spraying ice cold water on the fanny before spanking. It definitely increased the paddle sting but did not do much for hand spanking or the belt. We are not really interested in creams to enhance the effects. Spankings sting enough already. 

CEM: Nope and nope. I'm a purist. Food stays in the kitchen. I know nothing about any creams, body washes or lotions that enhance anything. I know about Bondo, grease and guy stuff...but I've never felt the need to use a product to add to the event...and based on the wailing and squealing from the recipients, neither have they. :)      

Roz: This is something I used to hear a lot about, either in addition to a spanking or as an alternative to spanking when spanking isn't possible for one reason or another. I used to wonder what it would be like but we have never tried it.

Prefectdt: No, and I think that these things might be off the menu for me. Because of some other medications that I take, I cannot use things like Deep Heat for muscle pain, as they do not mix well with the medication. So I am not going to risk using rub on creams. Just in case.

Rosco: Never thought about it. It doesn’t sound necessary. Intensity can be determined by implement, and if I’m seeking a harder-than-usual spanking, I might get out a certain whip (we pretty much stick to leather) or just whine and complain.

Alan: It works to reinforce a punishment spanking a la Aunt Kay style when it is rubbed into a just-spanked bum. That effect can also be increased by adding 20 minutes of corner time while the creme begins to work. The burn can last for hours.

 Anon: I love using capsaicin cream to simulate a spanking although the burning sensation can be a little overwhelming especially if the bottom is damp. As an alternative punishment I like to use stinging nettles that I grow in my garden on a naughty bottom. They give a most wonderful tingly sensation that is long lasting and not at all unpleasant.

Hermione: No, the spanking itself is sometimes more than enough.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #552

I'm glad you could make it to our popular weekend brunch. This week's topic is a one that first appeared here exactly ten years ago. I thought it was worthy of a repost.

Have you ever used a skin preparation or ointment containing capsaicin or similar ingredient, either to simulate a spanking or to enhance the effects of one? If so, what did you think? If not, is it something you might consider trying?

Leave your response as a comment, and when everyone has had a chance to speak, I'll publish a summary of our discussion.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Fun at the Office

Working from home does have its drawbacks. You can't play pranks like these on your co-workers.


I see what you did there.

Happy hump day!

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, August 5, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 4

What is your experience with mouth-soaping?

Bonnie: No, when Randy decides I deserve additional punishment, he spanks me again.

Donn: No, my wife "cleansed me" of (mostly) my bad language years ago, with one of her straps. She has only rarely needed to "reinforce" those earlier lessons. She trusts her strap in such matters.

Wendel: Never used it. A good butt whipping is administered for bad language. 

B: The idea has never come up, even in jest. Like Bonnie, if I deseve more punishment, it is in the form of additional spanking. 

CEM: Mouthsoaping, cornertime, even writing lines...yes. Depending on the dynamic and person. Anything that might be psychologically damaging, no, never. But for the most part, pretty much everything else *might* be on the potential "menu". 

S: I am a life long spanko. I love a good funishment role play, but I like to emphasize the fun aspect. Fun as in spanking, why waste time doing anything else? No mouthsoaping please.

Norse Cavalier: I've never mouthsoaped anyone, but I'd like to try. It seems quite fun. I have done some research into how to do it safely, in case I ever get the opportunity.

I discussed it with a spankee, but she had some bad memories of being mouthsoaped as a child, and was also worried about her skin condition returning, so we didn't do it.

Roz: Additional punishments over the years, and depending on where we were with our dynamic at the time have included writing lines, corner time and early bedtime but mouth soaping has never featured, or been discussed.

Anon: Once many years ago, along with the back of her hand. Permanently deleted a lot vocabulary from my hard drive. 

FL: Love the idea and the whole maternal discipline ritual around it but the reality is unpleasant and more of a turn off than turn on. Still, I would like to be threatened with it.

Jack: My wife/mommy said after that first spanking, if I act like a naughty little boy, I will be punished as such. The first soap mouthing I got was the first time she used the bath brush it hurt, I pleaded beg. Standing facing the wall I say as she calls them naughty words and I was soon in the bathroom, bar of soap in my mouth, and my bare bottom feeling the sting of her hand. She has used it since then, very few times, but she will not tolerate naughty words at all. 

KDPierre: It's been infrequent, and certainly not appropriate for the majority of offenses, but we've done it a few times, and I even had it done by Nickki (my friend with disciplinary authority) for an offense that was caused by my mouth since soaping is usually associated with offenses of speech. I even made a fake box for the bar we use that advertises the contents as being specifically made for mouth soaping punishment. 

Barrel: An interesting thought, but it is not in our play book. Would we consider it, probably, as we are open to trying new things. I would need to do some investigation to do it safely. But my preference would be another implement for an additional round of spanking.

Prefectdt: I have been spanked, whilst biting into a cake of soap, and would be prepared to do it again. But it would be to please the other participant in the play scenario. I am tolerant of it, but do not find it so much fun for myself. It is not so bad at the time, but if I have been made to bite hard into the soap, I can still taste it 3 or 4 days later, no matter how often I brush.

 Hermione: It isn't  something that I would ever want to try. One story, however, comes to mind, with a twist to the usual method. Instead of a bar of soap, each naughty culprit was forced to eat something that they hated, prior to being spanked. The items I recall were licorice and liverwurst. If I had been ordered to ingest either, I would have eagerly complied since for me, these are yummy treats.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #551

It's the weekend, and that means it's time for another discussion on our favourite subject. Some of the stories that I read on the Library of Spanking Fiction have additional punishments besides the obligatory spanking. There's one such punishment that seems to be popular among writers and therefore, I assume, readers.

What is your opinion of mouth-soaping? Have you ever included it in your spanking activity? Is it ever used as a threat, but not followed through?

Please leave your response as a comment, and once everyone has had a chance to speak, I will publish a summary of our discussion.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart