Adjustable Seat Walking Stick
Walk where you want; sit when you want. The ideal accompaniment for walks in the city or country, this walking stick comes with a handy adjustable seat and adjustable legs. The crook handle has a foam cushion grip for comfort. Made of bronze anodized aluminum with a durable molded seat. Available here.
This is a perfectly lovely idea - a walking stick with a built-in seat. When the urge to spank is upon you, simply sit down and use the cane appropriately. But here's the catch: the cane is not detachable. What a shame!

There looks like there is plenty of potential there to have a screw on and off handle so that a length of rattan could be hidden in the walking stick section. Might rattle a bit when walking though.
Prefectdt - That's positively brilliant! Who cares about a little extra noise?
definitely not a spanking implement... Have you and Ron ever tried a cane?
I love Prefectdt's idea, you may just have to take this one out of the fail category for the seat alone.
Have a good weekend.
Red - No, we haven't, but never say never! He's willing to try it if I want to, but I haven't taken him up on the offer yet (or purchased a cane!)
Ronnie - I like it too. Okay, I can consider reclassification.
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