"A most accommodating pose invites one to open a cold one. This delightful antique reproduction was popular among many of our grandfathers while grandmother would probably raise an eyebrow!"
It's labelled a best seller, and I can understand why. The pictures only show the lovely lady's front. You have to buy it in order to get a glimpse of her well-rounded derriere.

In Denmark any bottle opener is called a Madonna; the reason is hard to translate, it says that she is uplifting her eyes or capsule
Very nice.
BTW. I took the Red Ass wine to the SCONY party. It was similar to a Yellow Tail Sweet Red Roo.
That would be a great conversational piece during dinner
Anon - I didn't know that. How very interesting!
Joey - Thanks for the wine update. I have only had Yellow Tail white, so will buy a bottle of the red and see what it's like.
Bob - It would. I like the idea of having a whole box of them; one for each guest.
cute... always nice as a conversation piece..
bottoms up
Nice and would be a different present to give a gentlemen though I don't suppose his wife/girlfriend would like it.
I really like this and I would buy it for my husband, even though he doesn't drink wine. He loves things like this
Red - It would look cute in your man cave.
Ronnie - Maybe as a secret Santa gift, so no one need know the giver.
Blondie - Why not go for it? It would make a great gift.
Hermione, with such a beautiful sexy bottle opener. One can play to their hearts content. "Spank the Bottle Opener", Instead of "Spin the Bottle". "He He He"---
It is their sweet red which must have lots of sugar. The YT red is a blend of traditional reds.
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