Bob: Just can’t think of anything for Hermione’s complete the caption. Perhaps if I stay in this position long enough someone will lift my skirts and in-still some motivation.
Sir Wendel Jones: Now I stand before you praying as this day is coming to a close and I fear my bottom will be full sore.
Oh dear Lord, spare me the thrashing I shall surely get whence my husband comes a knocking on my chamber door.
Quoth the Dragon - You ain’t got a chance, missy.
DelFonte: Her father had told her a dragon was not a suitable pet. Now she was waiting for St. George to turn up and teach her lesson.
GaryNTboy: I swear, if that maid doesn't come and loosen this corset I'll turn her into a dragon.....Ooops...sorry. I didn't mean to do that !!
Spanky: "No! I said Dragoon!"
Sunnygirl: You can pray all you want, you're still getting that spanking.
Vfrat25000: Let’s see. What are live dragons going for on E-Bay?
Puff you darn dragon. Did you eat Mr. Perrywinkle?
That figures. His life insurance doesn’t go into effect until tomorrow!
Oh my stars. I have the MOTHER of all hangovers and some idiot left his dog for me to watch!
Is this animal control? This is Mrs. Pudwhistle at 1402 Wee Willy Lane. I have a live dragon in my bedroom. Would you please come over and pick him, up as soon as possible. Yes a dragon. He scaly, green, breathes fire and has wings. That sounds like a dragon to you doesn’t it? Hello! Hello! Hello!
Where am I going to find a litter box for a dragon?
Revered Mulligan, this is Mrs. Clinghoffer. I need some assistance. My idiot husband has turned himself into a dragon. What do you mean you don’t turn dragons back into people? Have you tried?
A. Lurker: The dragon is thinking "I would love to set that rump on fire!"
Six of the best: Hermione, that lady of a bygone era, is thinking about the naughtiness she committed, and is about to have her long dress raised waist high. Her bloomers will be comimg down. And on her bare bottom, her husband has promised to give her 'six of the best' hard strokes of a pliable stinging cane.
Bonnie: "Alas, no perfume or cleanser can remove the overpoweringly pungent smell of brimstone."
Prefectdt: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Bless this rump I sit upon
And if I brat or law do break
To my rear a cane do take
Michael: "Alas, nobody understands me except my pet dragon, Smaug." *sigh*
lill jo: Man. my butt is swollen from that last spanking!
Welcome lill jo!
Ricky: Oh, my gosh! Flying dragons! What's next?
OK, OK, I'm sorry I cheated at bingo!
Lady Koregan: You conjured a dragon.
You conjured a dragon.
Oh my aching head!
How many times have I told you to leave grand-mama's Grimore alone?
I'll call the exterminator. In the meantime, go up to your room and wait for me. I'm going to show you a much more practical use for that wand of yours...
Thank you all for having fun with me this weekend.

Missed it this week Hermione.
Excellent captions.
Very funny, lots of good ones :)
Hi Hermione. These are some great answers that were fun to read. Thanks for the laughs.
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