If you could create an awards ceremony for those of us interested in spanking, what would it be like? What categories would there be, for both spankers and spankees? Who would be the MC or presenter for the show? What would the award statue look like? Would it have a name? What would be the ideal location for such an extravaganza? Can you suggest possible candidates or winners in any of the categories? Would you qualify for one or more?
Let your imaginations run wild and tell us your ideas for the Spanko Awards by leaving a comment. Once everyone has spoken, I will publish your suggestions.

Hermione, that’s something you could write a whole story about. I think there would be categories like best good girl/boy spanking, most efficient punishment spanking, best facial expression, best remorseful look, best looking tushy, actually this has to be a divided category because of the before and after effect. There should also be something like an alternative punishment award, for those moments when you cannot be spanked but need discipline. The HoH should receive some awards too, e.g. an award for best arm swing, maybe best knees, best lecturer and there has to be an award for strictest look during punishment. And if you have that, maybe the voice should have an award too. Oh my, the list could go on forever.
I suggest Dame Judy Dench as presenter, because I like her and she can have this very calm and serious look of authority without appearing strict or harsh. The award could be either a simple paddle in gold, though this is rather profane, therefore I suggest a little scene with a HoH who has already got a paddle or cane in his hand and he is lecturing his wife, while she is standing in front of him, head down with a slightly guilty look. If it were a good girl scene, she would smile happily and he would not lecture but tell her something naughty, instead.
I have no idea who could receive the awards in blogland, but a lifetime award should go to Bonnie from My Bottom Smarts, because of her longtime commitment and her awesome tutorials. I guess for best good girl spanking, many HoH qualify, depending on what their wives need. I have no idea if I qualified for any award, though I would like to have the best looking tushy award :)
Happy Easter
This could be a lot of fun. First I would have the Awards ceremony somewhere on the East of the US. Why? Most of the people I have interacted with though blogging, groups and selling paddles, seem to be in that area.
I would not include those people who are only interested in domestic disciple - probably because I can't think of a category for them.
I would have Dom's and Dominatrix. I would separate one from the other though. Some doms/dome are known for being experts in different types of spankings, whippings, canings,floggings, and technique for tying someone up. There could also be sub categories, how well can one be submissive (like how they present themselves), how long they can be spanked (tolerance) etc. Also authors for the different kind of stories - historical, sontemporary, , training manuals, etc.
Dana Kane would be a good host. She is already very good at speaking to audiences and she knows a lot about spankings. An implement category would be great too, especially since we make and sell paddles. Last, a category for one of the oldest/well known Dom/Somme and Sub and a category for new comers too.
WE think the awards should be a mini olympics, with a panel of judges to assess each class. Groups could be for different implements, such as - hand, hairbrush, paddle, and cane and then further into, clothed, knickered or bare bottom, Points could be given for
presentation, innovation, bottom quality, and how well the spankee took the alloted number of whacks.Perhaps a grand finale, when all the class winners parade for the audience to decide who has the best marked bottom.
The awards would be in the form of an upturned bottom, cast in gold silver or bronze, and perhaps have the name a 'Bonnie' after the lady who gave us so many years of spanking blog, and so often put her own bottom in the firing line in that blog.
Perhaps Bonnie could be tempted out of retirement to present the awards ! S & D,
Best Spanking Blog
- For the most creative and interesting blog about spanking.
Biggest Brat
- For the lady that misbehaves the most and always deserves a spanking.
Most Spanked
- Pretty self explanatory.
Best Spanker
- For the one who gives the best spankings.
A spanking is not only about getting a sore bottom. There is a technical side to it.
Best Setting
- For the most creative location.
Best Implement.
- For the most effective implement used to brighten a bottom.
Best Sore bottom.
- For the best looking marks when the spanking is over.
Best Sound Effects
- For the best sounding spanking.
Location would be New York only because I've never been and as it would be a Spanking Award Ceremony, I would have to attend:)
MC - Not sure, Devlin, Dave Wolfe maybe Erica or Bonnie.
Statue - A gold paddle.
Awards go to both spankers and spankees.
Category possibilities:-
Best Blog
New Spanker/spankee of the year
Best facial expression during a spanking
Best Dominatrix
Would be lots more.
I agree with others - a life time award would definitely have to go to Bonnie.
Right, whose going to organise one?:)
Sorry about deleted commentx
The location would be London because, after all, England is the home of ‘Le Vice Anglais’.
Presenter would be Lady Pandora, a no nonsense professional disciplinarian who is also 100% life-style CP enthusiast. She would also chair the judges, ably assisted by Dana Kane and Ludwig (at Ludwig’s Rohrstock-Palast).
The categories, as others have suggested, would be for the strictest disciplinarian, the most skilled with various implements (cane, tawse, paddle, whip), best rope bondage. Each would have a category for female and male dominant.
I’d have a categories for the best submissive male and female, best sissy and best maid (male and female).
I’d have special awards for the best video – split info two categories for professional and domestic films.
There would also be competitions for the best art (F/m and M/f), the best authors (in M/f and F/m categories) and the best F/m and M/f blogs.
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